- About ICDC
- Research
- Focus
- ICDC Projects
- ESA-CCI Sea-Ice-ECV project
- NFDI4Earth
- Online Media Monitor - Monitoring the Daily Climate Debate Online
- SMOSIce-project
- SAMD - Archive for Standardized Atmospheric Measurement Data
- Completed Projects
- Baltic and North Seas Climatology BNSC
- Biogeochemical North Sea Climatology
- Earth System Initialization for Decadal Prediction (EaSyInit)
- Historical hydrographic data
- KLIWAS North Sea Climatology (KNSC)
- MBT Correction and Interpolation
- Monitoring the Heat Content of the World Ocean
- Time-series of temperature anomalies for selected regions of the World Ocean
- XBT correction and Interpolation
- ICDC Data management
- ICDC Publications
- SAMD - Archive for Standardized Atmospheric Measurement Data
- About SAMD
- Observational Data
- Long Term Observations
- Short Term Observations
- Browse SAMD Observational Data Archive
- SAMD Lost Data
- TROPOS cloud mask data of SEVIRI on Meteosat
- TROPOS cloud optical thickness data of SEVIRI on Meteosat
- TROPOS cloud top altitude data of SEVIRI on Meteosat
- TROPOS effective radius of cloud ice particles data of SEVIRI on Meteosat
- TROPOS effective radius of cloud liquid particles data of SEVIRI on Meteosat
- TROPOS path of integrated cloud liquid water data of SEVIRI on Meteosat
- TROPOS path of integrated ice water data of SEVIRI on Meteosat
- Forward Operators
- Inventory of Forward Operators in HD(CP)²
- BaLiFOp (BAckscatter-LIdar Forward-OPerator)
- COSP (The CFMIP Observation Simulator Package)
- MC-UNIK (Monte Carlo Modell)
- PAMTRA (PasÂsiÂve and AcÂtive MiÂcroÂwaÂve TRAnsÂfer model )
- Polarimetric Radar
- RADVOP (RADarVORwärtsoperator -> Radar forward operator)
- SatSim (Satellite Simulator; Part of COSP)
- SORBIT (Sampling along sun-synchronous satellite ORBITs)
- VISOP (VISible and near_infrared OPerator)
- Inventory of Forward Operators in HD(CP)²
- Data
- Atmosphere
- Aerosol Parameter from MISR
- Aerosol Parameters from MODIS
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Measurement Tower in Cabauw
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Measurement Tower in Hamburg
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Measurement Tower in Karlsruhe
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Measurement Tower in Lindenberg
- Climate data for Germany from DWD Stations
- Cloud Cover from CALIPSO CloudSat
- Cloud Parameters CLARA-A3 from EUMETSAT CM-SAF AVHRR
- Cloud Parameters from MODIS
- Cloudcover and -type from ISCCP H-Series
- Field Data from Expeditions of the Meteorological Institute UHH
- Global Precipitation from satellite and gauge measurements from GPCP
- Global Precipitation over Land from GPCC full Data Reanalysis
- Global precipitation over land from GPCC Monitoring Product
- Global Regionalisation of NCEP re-analysis
- High resolution Land Atmosphere Parameters from Space HOLAPS
- Longterm atmospheric and pedo-climatic observations along an upper treeline ecotone in the Himalayas, Nepal TREELINE
- Meteorological climatology of Baltic and North Seas BNSC
- Meteorological Climatology of the North Sea and Surrounding Regions KLIWAS
- Meteorological network measurements FESST HH
- Meteorological observations for Europe from ECAD
- Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes Climatology HOAPS
- Precipitation amount from IMERG
- Precipitation amount from MSWEP
- Precipitation amount from PERSIANN
- Precipitation RADOLAN from the DWD radar network
- Radiance Measurements from SOPRAN UV/VIS Radiometer
- Radiation Fluxes for CMIP5 from CERES
- Radiation Fluxes from CERES
- Radiation Fluxes from SRB
- Rainfall and Ice-phase precipitation over the ocean from OceanRAIN
- Rainfall Estimates for Africa from TAMSAT
- Surface Temperature Anomalies from CRUTEM and HadCRUT
- Temperature Profiles from MODIS
- Water vapor and precipitable water content from MODIS
- Wind speed over water from ASCAT
- Wind speed over water from QuikSCAT
- Wind speed over water from WindSat
- SAMD Data Sets - Long Term Observations - Local Observations
- CESAR absolute humidity data of Microwave radiometer
- CESAR attenuated backscatter coefficient data of Raman lidar
- CESAR attenuated backscatter coefficient data of UV - Lidar
- CESAR brightness temperature data of Infrared thermometer
- CESAR brightness temperature data of Microwave radiometer
- CESAR brightness temperature data of MWR - boundary layer scan
- CESAR cloud fraction data of scanning Infrared thermometer
- CESAR data of Ceilometer 0
- CESAR data of GNSS
- CESAR data of Meteorological tower data
- CESAR data of Radio sounding
- CESAR lw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyrgeometer
- CESAR Meteorological data (near surface)
- CESAR path of integrated cloud liquid water data of Microwave radiometer
- CESAR path of integrated water vapor data of GNSS
- CESAR path of integrated water vapor data of Microwave radiometer
- CESAR sw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyranometer
- CESAR temperature data of Microwave radiometer
- CESAR temperature data of MWR - boundary layer scan
- CESAR wind measurements data of Radar wind profiler
- JOYCE absolute humidity data of Integrated Profiling Technique
- JOYCE absolute humidity data of Microwave radiometer
- JOYCE atmospheric boundary layer height derived from aerosol profile data of Ceilometer
- JOYCE atmospheric boundary layer height derived from wind profile data of DL
- JOYCE attenuated backscatter coefficient data of Ceilometer
- JOYCE brightness temperature data of Microwave radiometer
- JOYCE brightness temperature data of MWR - boundary layer scan
- JOYCE cloud base altitude data of Ceilometer
- JOYCE cloud base altitude data of Ceilometer
- JOYCE cloud liquid water content data of Cloudnet products
- JOYCE cloud liquid water content data of Integrated Profiling Technique
- JOYCE cloudnet - target classification data of Cloudnet products
- JOYCE data of Ceilometer 0
- JOYCE data of Ceilometer 1
- JOYCE data of Cloud radar
- JOYCE data of DL - measured vectors 0
- JOYCE data of DL - scanning with varying azimuth
- JOYCE data of DL - scanning with varying elevation and azimuth
- JOYCE data of DL - zenith only 0
- JOYCE data of Meteorological tower data
- JOYCE drizzle liquid water data of Cloudnet products
- JOYCE effective radius of cloud liquid particles data of Integrated Profiling Technique
- JOYCE frozen phase water content data of Cloudnet products
- JOYCE lw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyrgeometer 0
- JOYCE lw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyrgeometer 1
- JOYCE lw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyrgeometer 2
- JOYCE path of integrated cloud liquid water data of Microwave radiometer
- JOYCE path of integrated water vapor data of Microwave radiometer
- JOYCE sw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyranometer 0
- JOYCE sw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyranometer 1
- JOYCE sw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyranometer 2
- JOYCE temperature data of Integrated Profiling Technique
- JOYCE temperature data of Microwave radiometer
- JOYCE temperature data of MWR - boundary layer scan
- JOYCE wind measurements data of DL measured
- JOYCE wind measurements data of DL scanning
- LACROS absolute humidity data of Microwave radiometer
- LACROS all variables data of Disdrometer
- LACROS brightness temperature data of Microwave radiometer
- LACROS brightness temperature data of MWR - boundary layer scan
- LACROS cloud liquid water content data of Cloudnet products
- LACROS cloudnet - target classification data of Cloudnet products
- LACROS frozen phase water content data of Cloudnet products
- LACROS path of integrated cloud liquid water data of Microwave radiometer
- LACROS path of integrated water vapor data of Microwave radiometer
- LACROS temperature data of Microwave radiometer
- LACROS temperature data of MWR - boundary layer scan
- RAO absolute humidity data of Integrated Profiling Technique
- RAO absolute humidity data of Microwave radiometer
- RAO all variables data of Ceilometer
- RAO all variables data of Cloud radar
- RAO atmospheric boundary layer height derived from aerosol profile
- RAO attenuated backscatter coefficient data of Ceilometer
- RAO brightness temperature data of Microwave radiometer
- RAO cloud liquid water content data of Cloudnet products
- RAO cloud liquid water content of Integrated Profiling Technique
- RAO cloudnet - target classification data of Cloudnet products
- RAO data of DL - scanning with varying azimuth
- RAO data of Meteorological data (near surface)
- RAO data of Meteorological tower data
- RAO effective radius of cloud liquid particles data
- RAO frozen phase water content data of Cloudnet products
- RAO lw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyrgeometer
- RAO path of integrated cloud liquid water data of Microwave radiometer
- RAO path of integrated water vapor data of Microwave radiometer
- RAO sw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyranometer
- RAO temperature data of Integrated Profiling Technique 0
- RAO temperature data of Microwave radiometer
- RAO wind measurements data
- SAMD Data Sets - Long Term Observations - Full Domain
- FUB normalized differenced vegetation index data of MODIS
- FUB normalized differenced vegetation index data of MODIS on TERRA and AQUA
- FUB sea surface temperature data of MODIS on TERRA and AQUA
- FUB sea surface temperature data of MODIS on TERRA and AQUA
- FUB surface albedo data of MODIS on TERRA and AQUA
- FUB surface longwave emissivity data of MODIS
- FUB surface longwave emissivity data of MODIS on TERRA and AQUA
- FUB surface temperature data of MODIS on TERRA and AQUA
- FUB surface temperature data of MODIS on TERRA and AQUA
- GeoMet cloud base altitude data of Ceilometer network
- GeoMet cloud measurements data of Ceilometer network
- GeoMet path of integrated water vapor data of GNSS network
- METEO radar reflectivity factor data
- METEO rain rate data of DWD C-Band Doppler radar network
- SAMD Data Sets - Short Term Observations
- FESSTVaL Campaign 2021
- Absolute Humidity Profile (Falkenberg near Richard-Assmann-Observatory), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Air Pressure data, Meteorological network observations by WXT weather stations during FESSTVaL 2021
- Air Pressure, Meteorological network observations by APOLLO weather stations during FESSTVaL 2021
- Air Temperature (FESSTVaL supersite at Gut Hirschaue, Birkholz), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Air Temperature (Richard-Assmann-Observatory, Lindenberg), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Air Temperature data, Meteorological network observations by WXT weather stations during FESSTVaL 2021
- Air Temperature, Meteorological network observations by APOLLO weather stations during FESSTVaL 2021
- Atmosphere Mass Content of Cloud Liquid Water Content (Falkenberg near Richard-Assmann-Observatory), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Atmosphere Mass Content of Cloud Liquid Water Content (FESSTVaL supersite at Gut Hirschaue, Birkholz), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Atmosphere Mass Content of Cloud liquid Water Content (Richard-Assmann-Observatory, Lindenberg), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Atmosphere Mass Content of Cloud liquid Water Content (Richard-Assmann-Observatory, Lindenberg, DWD), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Atmosphere Mass Content of Water Vapor (Falkenberg near Richard-Assmann-Observatory), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Atmosphere Mass Content of Water Vapor (FESSTVaL supersite at Gut Hirschaue, Birkholz), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Atmosphere Mass Content of Water Vapor (Richard-Assmann-Observatory, Lindenberg), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Atmosphere Mass Content of Water Vapor (Richard-Assmann-Observatory, Lindenberg, DWD), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Brightness temperature (FESSTVaL supersite at Gut Hirschaue, Birkholz), boundary layer scans, Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Brightness temperature (FESSTVaL supersite at Gut Hirschaue, Birkholz), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Brightness Temperature (Richard-Assmann-Observatory, Lindenberg, DWD), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Brightness Temperatures (Falkenberg near Richard-Assmann-Observatory), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Brightness Temperatures (Richard-Assmann-Observatory, Lindenberg), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Brightness Temperatures from boundary layer scans (Richard-Assmann-Observatory, Lindenberg, DWD), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Calibration Pattern, SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- FESSTVaL Doppler lidar data for mean wind and wind gust profiles 2021
- FESSTVaL Doppler lidar mean wind profiles from VAD scans in 2021
- FESSTVaL Falkenberg Doppler lidar 0120-177, Level 2, 30 minutes mean wind and turbulence profiles
- FESSTVaL Falkenberg Doppler lidar 0414-78, Level 2, 30 minutes mean wind and turbulence profiles
- FESSTVaL Falkenberg Doppler lidar 177, Level 1, 30 minutes mean wind and turbulence profiles
- FESSTVaL Falkenberg Doppler lidar 78, Level 1, 30 minutes mean wind and turbulence profiles
- FESSTVaL Falkenberg standard meteorological, turbulence, radiation flux, and soil variables
- FESSTVaL Forst Kehrigk standard meteorological, turbulence, and radiation flux variables
- FESSTVaL Lindenberg downwelling radiation fluxes time series and standard meteorological variables
- FESSTVaL regional-scale fluxes from an optical-microwave scintillometer
- FESSTVaL UAS wind and turbulence measurements at Falkenberg 2020/21
- FESSTVaL Ultrasonic anemometer data for mean wind and wind gust profiles 2021
- Hail data, Meteorological network observations by WXT weather stations during FESSTVaL 2021
- HD(CP)2 long term observations, data of DL - scanning with varying azimuth (no. 00), by Supersite RAO, data version 01
- Horizontal Pattern, SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- Humidity Profile (FESSTVaL supersite at Gut Hirschaue, Birkholz), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Humidity Profile (Richard-Assmann-Observatory, Lindenberg), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Meteorological network observations by MESSI weather stations during FESSTVaL 2021
- Precipitation data, Meteorological network observations by WXT weather stations during FESSTVaL 2021
- Radiation fluxes and soil heat flux (FESSTVaL supersite in Birkholz)
- Radiometer grid at Falkenberg and surroundings, downwelling shortwave radiation (10 Hz), FESSTVaL campaign
- Radiometer grid at Falkenberg and surroundings, downwelling shortwave radiation (1s), FESSTVaL campaign
- Radiometer grid at Falkenberg and surroundings, downwelling shortwave radiation v1, FESSTVaL campaign
- Radiosonde profile measurements (Supersite RAO) during FESSTVaL 2021
- Radiosonde profile measurements (UHH) during FESSTVaL 2021
- Radiosonde profile measurements (UZK) during FESSTVaL 2021
- Rainfall rates estimated from X-Band radar observations during FESSTVaL 2021, data version 00
- Relative Humidity data, Meteorological network observations by WXT weather stations during FESSTVaL 2021
- Standard meteorology pressure, temperature, humidity (FESSTVaL supersite in Birkholz)
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 02, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 03, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 04, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 06, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 07, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 08, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 09, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 10, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 11, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 12, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 13, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 14, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 15, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 16, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 17, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 18, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 19, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 20, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 21, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 22, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 23, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 24, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 25, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 26, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 27, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 28, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 29, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 30, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 31, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 32, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 33, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 34, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, UAV 35, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- Temeprature Profile (Richard-Assmann-Observatory, Lindenberg, DWD), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Temperature Profile (Falkenberg near Richard-Assmann-Observatory), Boundary Layer Scans, Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Temperature Profile (Falkenberg near Richard-Assmann-Observatory), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Temperature Profile from Boundary Layers Scans (Falkenberg near Richard-Assmann-Observatory), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Temperature Profile from Boundary Layers Scans (FESSTVaL supersite at Gut Hirschaue, Birkholz), Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Temperature Profile from Boundary Layers Scans, Microwave Radiometer Observations
- Thermodynamic retrieved profiles from the ASSIST infrared spectrometer, FESSTVaL campaign, data version 1
- Turbulent fluxes (FESSTVaL supersite in Birkholz)
- VAD validation Pattern, SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- Vertical Profiles, SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- Vertical Tower Pattern, SWUF-3D, quadrotor data, Multicopter UAS measurements at GM Falkenberg during FESSTVaL 2021
- Vertical velocity data from vertical stare Doppler lidar, Falkenberg, FESSTVaL campaign 2020/2021
- Vertical velocity data from vertical stare, L2 products, Doppler lidar 146, Falkenberg, FESSTVaL campaign 2020/2021
- Wind direction data, Meteorological network observations by WXT weather stations during FESSTVaL 2021
- Wind Speed Max data, Meteorological network observations by WXT weather stations during FESSTVaL 2021
- Wind Speed data, Meteorological network observations by WXT weather stations during FESSTVaL 2021
- FESST @ home 2020
- Air pressure data, Apollo, FESST@HH meteorological network measurements
- Air Pressure data, WXT, FESST@HH meteorological network measurements
- Air Temperature data, Apollo, FESST@HH meteorological network measurements
- Air Temperature data, WXT, FESST@HH meteorological network measurements
- Daily Sonic data with products, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler Lidar velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler Lidar velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler Lidar velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler Lidar velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler Lidar velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler Lidar velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler Lidar velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler Lidar velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler Lidar velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler Lidar velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler Lidar velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler Lidar velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESSTVaL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Hail data, WXT, FESST@HH meteorological network measurements
- L2 products from vertical stare Doppler lidar 161, Falkenberg, FESSTVaL campaign 2020/2021
- Precipitation data, WXT, FESST@HH meteorological network measurements
- Relative Humidity data, WXT, FESST@HH meteorological network measurements
- uvw-gust, Doppler wind lidar CSM 143, level 2, wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg, data version 01
- uvw-gust, Wind (mean, peak, minimum), Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- uvw-gust, Wind (mean, peak, minimum), Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Velocity azimuth display data, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Wind (mean, peak, minimum) derived from Doppler wind lidars, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Wind (mean, peak, minimum) derived from Doppler wind lidars, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Wind (mean, peak, minimum) derived from Doppler wind lidars, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Wind (mean, peak, minimum) derived from Doppler wind lidars, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Wind (mean, peak, minimum) derived from Doppler wind lidars, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Wind (mean, peak, minimum) derived from Doppler wind lidars, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Wind (mean, peak, minimum) derived from Doppler wind lidars, Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Wind (mean, peak, minimum), Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Wind (mean, peak, minimum), Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESTVAL 2019/2020, Falkenberg
- Wind direction data, WXT, FESST@HH meteorological network measurements
- Wind Speed data, WXT, FESST@HH meteorological network measurements
- Wind Speed Max data, WXT, FESST@HH meteorological network measurements
- HALO - NARVAL 2 2016
- HALO - NARVAL North 2014
- IOP Lindenberg (IOPRAO) 2014
- HALO - NARVAL South 2013
- HOPE - Melpitz Campaign 2013
- HOPE-MELPITZ absolute humidity data of Microwave radiometer
- HOPE-MELPITZ all variables data of Disdrometer
- HOPE-MELPITZ frozen phase water content data of Cloudnet products
- HOPE-MELPITZ path of integrated cloud liquid water data of Microwave radiometer
- HOPE-MELPITZ path of integrated water vapor MW radiometer
- HOPE-MELPITZ relative humidity data of Pyranometer network
- HOPE-MELPITZ sw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyranometer network
- HOPE-MELPITZ temperature data of Microwave radiometer
- HOPE-MELPITZ temperature data of Pyranometer network
- HOPE Campaign 2013
- HOPE absolute humidity data of Differential Absorption Lidar
- HOPE absolute humidity data of Microwave radiometer
- HOPE all variables data of Disdrometer
- HOPE all variables data of DL - scanning with varying elevation and azimuth
- HOPE atmospheric boundary layer height derived from aerosol profile
- HOPE attenuated backscatter coefficient data of Ceilometer
- HOPE brightness temperature data of Microwave radiometer
- HOPE brightness temperature data of Microwave radiometer
- HOPE brightness temperature data of MWR - boundary layer scan
- HOPE cloud liquid water content data of Cloudnet products
- HOPE cloudnet - target classification data of Cloudnet products
- HOPE data of Ceilometer
- HOPE data of Cloud radar
- HOPE data of DL - zenith only 0
- HOPE data of DL - zenith only 1
- HOPE data of DL - zenith only 3
- HOPE data of Meteorological data 0
- HOPE data of Meteorological data 1
- HOPE data of Radiation data (surface energy balance system)
- HOPE data of Radiation data (surface energy balance system) 1
- HOPE data of Radio sounding
- HOPE data of Raman lidar
- HOPE frozen phase water content data of Cloudnet products
- HOPE humidity mixing ratio data of Raman lidar
- HOPE humidity mixing ratio data of Raman lidar + Microwave radiometer
- HOPE latent heat flux data of Radiation data
- HOPE latent heat flux data of Radiation data (surface energy balance system)
- HOPE path of integrated cloud liquid water data of Microwave radiometer
- HOPE path of integrated cloud liquid water data of Microwave radiometer
- HOPE path of integrated water vapor data of Microwave radiometer
- HOPE path of integrated water vapor data of Microwave radiometer
- HOPE relative humidity data of Pyranometer network
- HOPE relative humidity data of Pyranometer network
- HOPE sensible heat flux data of Meteorological data 0
- HOPE sensible heat flux data of Meteorological data 1
- HOPE sensible heat flux data of Meteorological data 2
- HOPE sensible heat flux data of Radiation data
- HOPE sensible heat flux data of Radiation data
- HOPE surface net radiation data of Radiation data
- HOPE surface net radiation data of Radiation data
- HOPE sw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyranometer network
- HOPE sw broadband downwelling radiation data of Pyranometer network
- HOPE temperature data of Microwave radiometer
- HOPE temperature data of MWR - boundary layer scan
- HOPE temperature data of Pyranometer network
- HOPE temperature data of Pyranometer network 1
- HOPE temperature data of Raman lidar
- HOPE wind measurements data of DL - measured vectors
- LACROS cloudnet - aerosol classification data of Cloudnet products
- FESSTVaL Campaign 2021
- Atmosphere Reanalyses
- Cryosphere
- Antarctic polynyas
- Arctic Sea-Ice thickness from ICESat data
- Brightness Temperatures from L3B SMOS
- CMIP6 Sea Ice Area Directory
- AWI-CM-1-1-MR
- AWI-ESM-1-1-LR
- CanESM5
- E3SM
- EC-Earth3
- EC-Earth3-Veg
- HadGEM3
- NorCPM1
- NorESM
- SAM0
- TaiESM1
- Grounding Line of Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Ice velocity of Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Lead Area Fraction for Arctic from AMSR-E Data
- Lead Area Fraction for Arctic from CryoSat-2
- Melt pond distribution on Arctic sea ice
- Polar sea-ice concentration from ASI-AMSRE
- Polar sea-ice concentration from ASI-SSMI
- Polar sea-ice concentration from OSI SAF
- Polar sea-ice drift vectors from NSIDC
- Sea-ice age for Arctic from NSIDC
- Sea-Ice Area Product from UHH
- Sea-ice parameters from ship observations
- Sea-ice thickness from L3C SMOS
- Snow cover from ESA GlobSnow Data
- Snow cover from IMS data
- Snow cover from MODIS data
- Snow water equivalent from ESA GlobSnow
- Snow water equivalent from NSIDC
- Land
- Climatology of land surface temperature from MODIS
- Evaporation parameters from GLEAM
- Forest Cover Fraction from MODIS
- Global gravity field model Geoid: EIGEN-6C4
- Harmonized World Soil Database
- Land Surface Albedo from MODIS
- Land Surface Albedo from SPOT/PROBA-V
- Land surface temperature from MODIS
- Land surface type from MODIS
- Land-Water-Distribution from MODIS-SRTM
- Leaf Area Index LAI and FAPAR from MODIS
- Leaf area index LAI from SPOT/PROBA-V/S3-OLCI
- Photosynthetically active radiation FAPAR from SPOT/PROBA-V/S3-OLCI
- Primary Production from MODIS
- Soil Map of the World
- Soil moisture from AMSR-E
- Soil moisture from ESA-CCI
- Soil moisture from EUMETSAT ASCAT
- Soil Moisture from SMOS data
- Surface Albedo (CLARA-A3) from EUMETSAT CM-SAF
- Surface Radiation Parameters (CLARA-A3) from EUMETSAT CM-SAF
- Surface Solar Radiation Parameters (SARAH-3) from EUMETSAT CM-SAF
- Vegetation Cover Fraction from SPOT/PROBA-V/S3-OLCI
- Vegetation Index NDVI from AVHRR GIMMS
- Vegetation Index NDVI from MODIS
- Ocean
- Chlorophyll concentration from MODIS
- Chlorophyll-a concentration from GlobColour
- Coastal Sea Level Projections
- CTD profiles from IfM Collaborative Research Centre Cruises
- Expendable bathythermograph (XBT)
- Geostrophic Surface Velocity Anomaly
- Global Ocean Heat and Salt Content by Levitus
- Historical hydrographic data from BSH
- Hydrographic Baltic and North Seas Climatology (BNSC)
- Hydrographic Climatology of the North Sea and Surrounding Regions (KNSC)
- Mechanical bathyhermograph (MBT)
- North Sea Biogeochemical Climatology (NSBC)
- Ocean Synthesis/Reanalysis Directory
- Atlantic-Iberian Biscay Irish- Ocean BioGeoChemistry Hindcast
- BLUElink
- DePreSys
- ECCO2-cube78
- ECMWF ensemble of ocean reanalyses of the 20th century (ORA-20C)
- ECMWF Ocean ReAnalysis ORA-S3
- ECMWF Ocean ReAnalysis ORA-XBTc
- ECMWF Ocean Reanalysis System 4 (ORAS4)
- ECMWF ORAS5 backward extension
- EN3
- GloSea
- GloSea5
- K-7
- SODA 2.2.4
- SODA 3.x
- UR025.4
- Ocean temperature and salinity from EN4
- Ocean tides from HAMTIDE model
- Overflow time-series through Denmark Strait
- Sea level rise from AR5
- Sea level SSH from C3S
- Sea surface salinity from ESA-CCI
- Sea surface salinity from SVP Drifters
- Sea surface temperature from AMSR-E
- Sea surface temperature from AVHRR
- Sea surface temperature from HadISST1
- Sea surface temperature from MODIS
- Sea surface temperature from OISST
- Subsurface Temperature And Salinity Analyses by Ishii
- Surface Current Velocity OSCAR
- WOCE Atlas
- WOCE Global Hydrographic Climatology
- WOCE/Argo Global Hydrographic Climatology (WAGHC)
- Ocean Re-Analyses / Syntheses / EasyInit
- Society
- German General Social Survey (ALLBUS)
- Integrated Island Database (IIDAB)
- Media orientations of climate scientists
- Online Media Monitor - Twitter Analysis
- Online Media Monitor - worldwide online climate reporting analysis from news sites
- Population survey on climate change and energy preferences
- Standard Eurobarometer 86.2
- Climate Indices
- Data Search
- Atmosphere
- Persons
- Service