Atmospheric Boundary Layer Measurement Tower in Hamburg

- Access
- Description
- Parameters
- Coverage, spatial and temporal resolution
- Data quality
- Contact person
- References
- Data citation
RESTRICTED:This link to the data set is only available for a restricted user group. The data set is only accessible in CEN/MPI net or accessible from external nets with a customer account. Please contact ICDC if you would like to access this data from outside the network.
- Data access via file system: /data/icdc/atmosphere/weathermast_hamburg
Since 1967 the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg operates a scientific, meteorological measuring site in Billwerder, a suburb of Hamburg, Germany. It is located on an area of the NDR (the North German Broadcasting Company, 53° 31′ 09.0″ N, 10° 06′ 10.3″ E) and consists of devices mounted at a 300 m tall broadcasting mast and a smaller 10 m tall mast owned by the MI nearby on a meadow. Additionally, several ground-based devices are installed outside the operator's hut beneath the tall mast. In 1994 completely new equipment was installed, and since 1995 measurements run almost continuously until today (see pdf document about data availability 1995 to 2014 in the references).
At the 300 m mast wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity have been measured by several devices at altitudes of 10, 50, (70) 110, 175 and 250 m (since 2010 also 280 m) allowing atmospheric boundary layer studies. A list of measured and calculated values is given in the pdf ducument "Measured variables and calculated variables" and you get a detailed description about the data in the document "Weather mast data description" in the references.
Most of the sensors sample data every minute but these original data are not available to the public. Available via ICDC are hourly and daily mean values. ICDC offers a parameter subset of the data (see parameters section). A more complete list of measured and calculated parameters from the Hamburg weather mast can be found in the pdf document "Hamburger Weathermast Parameter" (see references). If you require data at finer temporal resolution please contact Ingo Lange or Felix Ament (see contact).
You can find detailed information about which parameter is available at which altitude in the pdf document "Weathermast Hamburg detailed parameter description" (see references). This document also informs about sensors used and when major changes in sensor equipment have taken place.
You can learn more about the Hamburg weather mast and take a glimpse at the actually measured values at the Hamburg Weather Mast Homepage and since October 2014 you can follow the Weather Mast Hamburg on Twitter (in German), see references for the links.
Last update of data set at ICDC: March 7, 2024.
Abbrev | Name | Unit | since Year |
P002 | air pressure [2m] | hPa | 1995 |
TT... | air temperature [2m, 10m, 50m, 70m, 110m, 175m, 250m,280m] | °C | 1995 |
RH... | relative humidity [2m, 10m, 50m, 110m, 175m, 250m (280m)] | % | 2004 |
DT... | dew point (calculated) [2m, 10m, 50m, 110m, 175m, 250m, 280m] | °C | 2004 |
TS | surface temperature | °C | 1997 |
L | incident longwave radiation [10m] | W/m² | 1995 |
G | global solar radiation (incident short-wave radiation) [10m] | W/m² | 1995 |
GSM | sunshine duration | min | 1996 |
GTM | duration of no sunshine | min | 1996 |
GXM | theoretical sunshine duration | min | 1995 |
RR | precipitation amount per time unit | mm | 1997 |
RDM | duration of precipitation | min | 2006 |
RTM | duration of no precipitation | min | 2006 |
FF | wind speed [10m, 50m, 110m, 175m, 250m (280m)] | m/s | 2000 |
FB | maximum gust [10m, 50m, 110m, 175m, 250m (280m)] | m/s | 2004 |
FU | U-component of wind vector | m/s | 2000 |
FV | V-component of wind vector | m/s | 2000 |
DD | wind direction [10m, 50m, 110m, 175m, 250m (280m)] | degree | 2000 |
Coverage, spatial and temporal resolution
Period and temporal resolution:
- Since year in table above to 12/2023
- Hourly, daily
Coverage and spatial resolution:
- Local, Hamburg-Billwerder
- Spatial resolution: none, vertical profiles
- Geographic longitude: 10° 06′ 10.3″ E
- Geographic latitude: 53° 31′ 09.0″ N
- Dimension: 1 column x 1 row x number of measurements vertically
Altitudes (location itself is 0.3 m a.s.l.) 2 m, 10 m, 50 m, 70 m, 110 m, 175 m, 250 m, and 280 m
Data quality
The data set does not contain uncertainty estimates. The majority of the data are direct measurements anyways so that the accuracy of the sensors is more important in this context. The following list gives some information about the sensor accuracies:
- Temperature: Pt100-Platinum wire resistance thermometer, 0.1 K
- Relative humidity: Capacitive humidity sensor Vaisala HMP-45, 2-3 %
- Wind/Turbulence: 3D-Ultrasonic anemometer/-thermometer METEK USA-1, 0.1 m/s
- Air pressure: Pressure sensor Vaisala PTB-200A, 0.1 hPa
- Precipitation amount: Tipping bucket principle, 0.1 mm
- Precipitation duration: IR-light barrier drop counter IRSS-88, 5 drops / minute
- Incident short-wave radiation: Pyranometer Kipp+Zonen CMP21, 3 W/m²
- Incident long-wave radiation: (bis Sep. 2013 Eppley, danach K+Z CGR4),3 W/m²
- Surface temperature: IR-Radiometer Heitronics KT-19, about 1 K
Please contact Ingo Lange for more details (see contact).
Felix Ament
Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg
email: felix.ament (at)
phone: +49-40-41173 277Ingo Lange
Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg
email: ingo.lange (at)
phone: +49-40-42838 7810Stefan Kern
University of Hamburg
E-Mail: stefan.kern (at)
- The Hamburg Weather Mast Homepage,
- Hamburger Wettermast on Twitter,
- Hamburger Weathermast Parameter (pdf, not barrier free)
- Data availability 1995 - 2014 (German) (pdf, not barrier free)
- Measured variables and calculated variables (device configuration "Weather mast Hamburg") (German) (pdf, not barrier free)
- Weather mast data description "Merkblatt Daten vom Wettermast Hamburg" (German) (pdf, not barrier free)
- Weathermast Hamburg detailed parameter description (pdf, not barrier free)
- Brümmer, B., I. Lange, and H. Konow, 2012: Atmospheric boundary layer measurements at the 280 m high Hamburg weather mast 1995-2011: mean annual and diurnal cycles. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 21, 319-335, doi: 10.1127/0941-2948/2012/0338.
Data citation
Please cite the data as follows:
Lange, I., 2014, updated March 7, 2024: Wind- und Temperaturdaten vom Wettermast Hamburg des Meteorologischen Instituts der Universität Hamburg für den Zeitraum 1995 bis 2023.
In case you use this data for a presentation, a study, a thesis or a scientific article please contact Ingo Lange or Felix Ament for correct citation.