
Parameters of the atmosphere:
Air temperature
The air temperature is routinely measured in 2 meter height above ground by meteorological measurement stations (2m-Temperature). The temperature profile, that is the temperature variation with height, contains information about the atmospheric layers and is obtained e.g. from radiosonde launches. A global temperature field can be collected from the analysis of satellite observations.
- Global from NCEP Reanalysen
- from DWD station measurements
- in different heights at weather masts:
- at the Hamburg Boundary Layer Measurement Tower
- at the Lindenberg Boundary Layer Measurement Tower
- at the Karlsruhe Boundary Layer Measurement Tower
- at the Cesar observatory (Cabauw, The Netherlands)
- at the FINO-I platform in the North Sea (Contact: Olaf Outzen, BSH)
- from radiosoundings and other platforms measured on field experiments of the meteorological institute in arctic regions.
- Global temperature anomalies relative to 1961-1990: HadCRUT & CRUTEM (1850-2023)
- from the KLIWAS North Sea Climatology in the North Sea
- ECAD - gridded daily mean, minimum and maximum 2m air temperature for Europe (v30e, 1950-2024)
- vertical air temperature profiles from MODIS (2000 - 2024)
- Global regionalization of NCEP re-analysis
Air pressure
The air pressure is routinely measured at ground level using stationary measuring instruments. This measured pressure is reduced to sea level pressure (barometric formula) and can then be used for isobar plots. A pressure profile is measured by radiosondes.
- from Hamburg Boundary Layer Measurement Tower
- from Lindenberg Boundary Layer Measurement Tower
- from DWD stations
- from radiosoundings and other platforms measured on field experiments of the meteorological institute in arctic regions .
- from the KLIWAS North Sea Climatology in the North Sea
- ECAD - gridded daily mean surface air pressure at sea level for Europe (v30e, 1950-2024)
- Global regionalization of NCEP re-analysis
The atmospheric wind is measured with different instruments for example measurement stations or satellite remote sensing. Of interest are wind speed and wind directions. The wind direction is specified with the cartesian coordinates u (zonal component) and v (meridional component). The amount of the resulting wind vector is the wind speed.
- in different heights at weather masts:
- at the Hamburg Boundary Layer Measurement Tower
- at the Lindenberg Boundary Layer Measurement Tower
- at the Karlsruhe Boundary Layer Measurement Tower
- at the Cesar observatory (Cabauw, The Netherlands)
- at the FINO-I platform in the North Sea (Contact: Olaf Outzen, BSH)
- from DWD station data in Germany
- global wind from Reanalyses, e.g.: NCEP Reanalyses
- global over the oceans: QuikSCAT 1999-2009
- global over the oceans: WindSat 2003-2020
- global over the oceans: ASCAT 2007-2024
- global over the oceans: HOAPS, 1987-2014
- from radiosondes and other platforms measured on field experiments of the meteorological institute in arctic regions .
- ECAD - gridded daily mean wind speed for Europe (v30e, 1980-2024)
- Global regionalization of NCEP re-analysis
Precipitation summarizes rain, snow, hail, graupel, dew and rime.
- GPCP - global from satellite and station data
- HOAPS - global over the oceans from satellite data (1987-2014)
- WindSat - global over the oceans from satellite data (2003-2020)
- GPCC - global over land from gauge measurements (1982-2024)
- OceanRAIN - in-situ along-track shipboard data of precipitation, evaporation and the resulting freshwater flux in 1-min resolution over the global oceans
- DWD Station data - long time series of station precipitation measurements in Germany
- Global regionalization of NCEP re-analysis
- TAMSAT - high-resolution, pan-African precipitation amount (1983-2024)
- ECAD - gridded daily precipitation amount for Europe (v30e, 1950-2024)
- PERSIANN-CDR (1983-2023)
- IMERG precipitation amount GPM_3IMERGHH.V07 (2000-2024)
- MSWEP precipitation amount (1979-2020)
There are different measures for the moisture in the air: Absolute, relative and specific humidity, water vapor pressure or dew point temperature.
- Humidity over the ocean, global (1987-2014): HOAPS
- Humidity over the ocean, global (2003-2020): WindSat
- Vapour pressure and relative humidity in Germany from DWD stations
- in different heights at weather masts:
- at the Hamburg Boundary Layer Measurement Tower
- at the Lindenberg Boundary Layer Measurement Tower
- at the Karlsruhe Boundary Layer Measurement Tower
- at the Cesar observatory (Cabauw, The Netherlands)
- at the FINO-I platform in the North Sea (Contact: Olaf Outzen, BSH)
- from radiosoundings and other platforms measured on field experiments of the meteorological institute in arctic regions.
- So-called "precipitable water" (PW) influences run-times of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere - as is for instance used to track low-Earth orbit satellites. This influence can be quantified and used to derive the PW. Bock, O., et al., JGR-D, 119, 2014 used Doppler orbitography radio-positioning integrated by satellites (DORIS) to derive a homogeneous PW data set of global extent for the period 1993-2008.
- MODIS total water vapor content / precipitable water content (2000 - 2024)
- GLEAM - evaporation parameters over land (1980-2023)
- Global regionalization of NCEP re-analysis
- See this "5km ICON Dyamond simulation - vertically integrated water vapor" (on youtube) that shows the global water vapor distribution simulated with the ICON Dyamond model at high temporal and spatial resolution for August 2016.
- ECAD - gridded daily mean relative humidity for Europe (v30e, 1950-2024)
Clouds, Radiation and Aerosol
Clouds consist of liquid water droplets and / or ice crystals. Depending on their vertical extent, growth history and water phase clouds obscure the sun partly or completely. They can cause more or less precipitation in various forms. Clouds play a fundamental role for the short- and long-wave radiation budget of the Earth's surface and the Earth as a whole. Different cloud layers occur which, depending on the cloud, may have different typical distributions and concentrations of cloud droplets and/or ice crystals.
Imagining satellite senors like the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), or the classical geostationary weather satellites: Meteosat, are suited to monitor total cloud cover - provided that the contrast between cloud and Earth's surface is large enough. This applies to both, the optical (only useful under daylight conditions) and the infrared spectral range: clouds exhibiting an albedo and/or surface temperature similar to the Earth's surface cannot be detected.
Profiling sensors scan the vertical structure of the clouds by coupling to changes in cloud composition (cloud particle phase), particle size distribution, and vertical cloud water distribution. Such sensors operate in the infrared spectral range such as the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI). Actively profiling sensors like the CALIPSO Lidar and the CloudSat radar have allowed quite some progress in recent years with regard to resolving the vertical cloud structure in more detail.
The GEWEX Radiation Panel has been working on an assessment of currently available possibilities to remotely sense clouds; a preliminary report of this panel which illustrates current possibilities and limitations is given in the article "Assessment of Global Cloud Datasets from Satellites: Project and Database Initiated by the GEWEX Radiation Panel".
- Cloud coverage from CALIPSO/CloudSat Data
- ISCCP H-Series cloudcover and -types (1983-2015)
- Cloudcover and -type, radiative properties, and water content (MODIS) (2000 - 2024)
- EUMETSAT CM-SAF CLARA-A3 cloud parameters (global, AVHRR, 1979-2023)
Aerosols impact cloud and precipitation formation processes, the radiation budget of the clouds, the atmosphere and the Earths' surface. Appropriate knowledge about aerosol type and concentration is required by remote sensing methods needing atmospheric corrections. Monitoring of aerosol parameters also allows us to identify and better quantify the impact biomass burning and air pollution.
- MISR aerosol properties (2000 - 2021)
- MODIS aerosol properties (2000 - 2024)
- Satellite observations of CO2 from OCO-2 (07/2014 - today)
- Satellite observations of O3 and NO2 from OMI (08/2004 - 06/2024)
For model evaluation it is often better to, instead of looking at the clouds themselves, consider their effects on the radiation. One sensor specialized for this is the Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES).
- CERES Surface and TOA Radiances (normal grid) (global, 2000-2024)
- CERES Surface and TOA Radiances (CMIP5 grid)
- SRB Surface and TOA Radiances (global, 1983-2007)
- EUMETSAT CM-SAF surface solar radiation - SARAH-3 (Meteosat MVIRI/SEVIRI, 1983-2023)
- EUMETSAT CM-SAF surface radiation parameters - CLARA-A3 (global, AVHRR, 1979-2023)
- Global regionalization of NCEP re-analysis
- SOPRAN ground-based UV/VIS radiance & irradiance measurements
- ECAD - gridded daily surface downwelling shortwave radiative flux for Europe (v29e, 1950-2023)
Another data source for radiation observations is the World Data Centre for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere. Information and data sets at high temporal resolution about solar irradiation (also in the UV part of the electromagnetic spectrum), e.g. from MSG SEVIRI, can be obtained from there, among others - for instance via SOLEMI.
The sunshine duration is measured in hours (h) and the intensity of radiation in Watt per square meter (W/m²).
- sunshine duration from DWD station data
In the context with long-term measurements of the sunshine duration we recommend to take a look at the following paper:
- Matuszko, D., A comparison of sunshine duration records from the Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder and CSD3 sunshine duration sensor, Theor. Appl. Climatol., 119: 404-406, 2015.
Information and data sets about solar irradiation (and sunshine duration) as measured at ground-based observations stations can be obtained from the World Radiation Data Centre (WRDC). Here one can find a list of ground-based observation stations world-wide where- among other parameters - radiation and sunshine duration is measured and from where one can download the data.
Heat fluxes
In addition to radiative fluxes (short- and longwave) heat fluxes play a particularly important role in the Earth's Climate System. The sensible heat flux and the latent heat flux are the two most important heat fluxes for the interaction between the atmosphere and the Earth's surface for both, water and land. The first one is basically a function of the temperature gradient between the surface and the near-surface atmosphere. The second one is basically a function of the humidity gradient between the surface and the near-surface atmosphere.
Data of such heat fluxes are provided, e.g.:
- in re-analyses
- in the HOAPS data set
- GLEAM (Surface sensible heat flux) (1980-2023)
- from ship-observations, e.g. NOCS 2.0
- from moored buoys, e.g. the TAO projects (TRITON, PIRATA, RAMA)
- Global regionalization of NCEP re-analysis