
In contrast to the other categories at ICDC, these datasets are not categorized in parameters, but they are shown here with a brief a description and a link to the data page.
Online Media Monitor
The Online Media Monitor OMM provides an automated daily monitoring of the online media climate debate and consists of:
Integrated Island Database (IIDAB)
The Integrated Island Database (IIDAB) serves as a research support tool designed to assist and facilitate island case studies on a comparative level.
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German General Social Survey (ALLBUS)
The surveys from the GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences expand our social science data and show trends in attitudes, behavior, and societal change in the Federal Republic of Germany. The main topics of this cumulative study are, among others, economy, politics, religion, and health.
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Media orientations of climate scientists
The aim of this project is to create a descriptive snapshot of the media orientations of climate scientists and to explain the characteristic of these media orientations.
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Population survey on climate change and energy preferences
In 2011 a population survey on climate change and energy preferences was developed at the University of Hamburg. The aim of the study is the investigation of awareness, evaluation and expected consequences of Climate change in the population of the Federal Republic of Germany and their views on energy policy options.
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Standard Eurobarometer 86.2
Since 1974 the European Commission's Standard Eurobarometer monitors the public opinion in the European Union member countries twice a year. ICDC provides the latest results from November 2016:
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