Area: Global
Period: 2000-2011
Data available: YES
Model: No dynamical model
Resolution: Analysis grid Horizontal 1.25°x1.25° (meridional spacing decreasing to ~0.3° near the equator) Vertical 40 levels Product grid Horizontal 1°x1° Vertical 31 levels
Data assimilated: Subsurface temperature and salinity observational data. (Met Office EN2 and EN3 in situ datasets)
Assimilation method: Optimal interpolation , No forcing. Relaxation Relaxes towards climatology in the absence of data
Forcing and relaxation used: No forcing. Relaxation Relaxes towards climatology in the absence of data
Download Data: HTTP from hadobs.metoffice.com
Contact: Simon Good, simon.good (at) metoffice.gov.uk
References: Met Office - EN3: quality controlled subsurface ocean temperature and salinity data
Information: hadobs.org