Observational Data
The Observational data Archive includes a wide range of different meteorological measurements, long term and campaign data, in situ and remote sensing, point and domain measurements, ground based and space borne, closed and ongoing. These data are the basis of the model validation in the project.
With this inventory and the data archive we want to provide "easy-to use" data. Therefore the HD(CP)² Observation Data Product Standard was developed to ensure that data from the multitude of instrument types can be used in a uniform manner. All data are store in NetCDF format, with the usage of CF-conventions (Climate Forecast), as possible. The HD(CP)² Data Product Standard includes the conventions for the file naming, NetCDF conventions, such as file header and variable names, and of standardized meta-data (XML) for each data set.
The HD(CP)² Observation Expert User regarding data format, access and availability was Andrea Lammert. The data archive set up with THREDDS Server at the Regional Computing Center, University of Cologne was managed by Erasmia Stamnas. Please check the SAMD contact page to find out who the current contact person is.