About SAMD
The SAMD Archive
This web portal is the official entrance to the SAMD archive. SAMD stands for Standardized Atmospheric Observation Data.
SAMD is registered at re3data (REgistry of REsearch data Repositories) with the following DOI: doi.org/10.17616/R3D944.
The SAMD archive is one of the important outcomes of the project HD(CP)². In the frame of this project the demand for an easy to use archive for observation data occured, combined with the wish for standardization of observation data, similar to the standardization in the "model world", from which the SAMD archive arose. The SAMD product standard is a document which includes the formulations and instructions to deliver standardizes data sets to the archive. The "easy-to-use" approach is reflected in the usage of the CF-Conventions, the Climate Forecast Conventions which are well known in the climate model community.
SAMD provides the data sorted into two different temporal descriptions. On the one hand there are the long term measurements (time series longer 1 year), divided into local and area observations. On the other hand the short term measurements include different campaigns, intensive operation periods, and short measurements of single instruments. The data, provided by the web portal are in NetCDF format, checked, and have standardized names, variables and meta data.