SAMD - Archive for Standardized Atmospheric Measurement Data
Central Europe is a region with one of the most comprehensive networks for cloud and precipitation observations worldwide. Unifying these observations to become an “easy-to-use” data set - establishing the infrastructure to store it and make it accessible to the climate community - was the goal of SAMD. This affects a variety of scattered observational data, from multivariate long-term observations at dedicated super-sites, through short-term area-wide remote-sensing observations, to high-resolution satellite data.
SA web portal was set up for the SAMD data, which is hosted by the ICDC Hamburg as a global entry point. It uses Unidata's Thematic Realtime Environmental Distributed Data Services from Unidata (THREDDS) hierarchical data management system, which is also used by the ESGF and the ARM program.
SAMD is registered at re3data (REgistry of REsearch data Repositories) with the following DOI: