HD(CP)2 short term observations, path of integrated cloud liquid water data of Microwave radiometer (no. 00), HOPE campaign by KITcube, data version 00
Daily files of integrated cloud liquid water based on microwave radiometer measurements.
To get a year dataset please use one of the links below to download the wget script:
Dataset Author
Dr. Norbert Kalthoff, norbert.kalthoff@kit.edu, Institution: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Meteorology and Climate ResearchDescription
Processed by Ulrich Loehnert by MWR_PRO-1.0 by IGM University of Cologne
Limitations: none
Provenance: IMK-TRO, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Comments: none
Instrument 1
- Source: Humidity and temperature profiler (HATPRO)
- Descriptive Instrument location: Located at Hambach during the HOPE campaign.
Global information
- PID: de.koeln.rrzk/amd.de.hope/kic.mwr00.l2.clwvi
- Project: HD(CP)2
- Level: 2
- Updated version: 00
- File format: NETCDF3_CLASSIC
- Convention: CF-1.6
- Average File Size Uncompressed: 1 Mb
- File name: hope_kic_mwr00_l2_clwvi_v[VV]_[YYYYMMDDhhmmss].nc
- Start: 2013-04-03
- End: 2013-05-29
Contact Person(s)
Norbert Kalthoff (norbert.kalthoff@kit.edu)
N. Kalthoff et al.,KITcube--a mobile observation platform for convection studies deployed during HyMeX