HD(CP)2 short term observations, brightness temperature data of MWR - boundary layer scan (no. 00), HOPE campaign by LACROS, data version 00
Daily files of brightness temperature from boundary layer scans based on LACROS microwave radiometer measurements
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Dataset Author
Bernhard Pospichal (bernhard.pospichal@uni-leipzig.de), Institution: Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)Description
Microwave Radiometer Type: HATPRO (Humidity and Temperature PROfiler) Generation 4, manufactored by Radiometer Physics GmbH, Meckenheim, Germany. HATPRO has seven K band (22.235-31.4 GHz) channels as well as seven V band channels (51.2-58.0 GHz). The brightness temeparature measurements in these band are sensitive for the humidity profile, the vertically integrated amount of cloud liquid water and the temperature profile, respectively. The files contain 14 brightness temperatures from boundary layer scans as a function of measurement time and elevation angle observing direction. Boundary layer scans are performed at the elevation angles 90, 42, 30, 19.2, 10.2 and 5.4 deg with a integration time on the order of 10s. Assuming horizontal homogeneity, these data can be used to gain a highly accurate temperature profile in the lowest 500 m above ground. Additionally included are temperature, pressure and humidity at the instrument location as well quality flags characterizing the instrument performance. Note, that brightness temperature values are given for all available times so that it is up to the user to decide whether or not to use the values if quality flags are set. Provided uncertainties describe the expected random error of the brightness temperature channels (variance) for each measurement in addition to the covariances among the different channels. Also included is the expected systematic uncertainty for brightness temperature when carying out a absolute calibration (Maschwitz et al., 2012 in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques).
Limitations: none
Provenance: Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig
Comments: none
Instrument 1
- Source: RPG Microwave Radiometer HATPRO, Generation 2
- Descriptive Instrument location: The instrument is part of the LACROS facility that was installed on the area of a sewage treatment plant in Krauthausen, south of Juelich during the HOPE campaign.
Global information
- PID: de.koeln.rrzk/amd.de.hope/lac.mwrBL00.l1.tb
- Project: HD(CP)2
- Level: 1
- Updated version: 00
- File format: NETCDF3_CLASSIC
- Convention: CF-1.6
- Average File Size Uncompressed: 0.1 Mb
- File name: hope_lac_mwrBL00_l1_tb_v[VV]_[YYYYMMDDhhmmss].nc
- Start: 2013-04-01
- End: 2013-05-31
Name | Dimension | CF standard_name | long_name | Unit |
hur | time | relative_humidity | relative humidity | 1 |
pa | time | air_pressure | air pressure | Pa |
ta | time | air_temperature | air temperature | K |
tb | time, n_angle, n_freq | brightness_temperature | brightness temperatures | K |
tb_bias | n_freq | systematic calibration uncertainty of brightness temperature, one standard deviation | K | |
tb_cov | n_freq, n_freq | error covariance matrix of brightness temperature channels | K*K | |
zsl | altitude | altitude above mean sea level | m |
Contact Person(s)
Patric Seifert (seifert@tropos.de)
S. Crewell and U. Loehnert,Accuracy of boundary layer temperature profiles retrieved with multi-frequency, multi-angle microwave radiometry
Rose, T. et al.,A network suitable microwave radiometer for operational monitoring of the cloudy atmosphere
S. Crewell and U. Loehnert,Accuracy of boundary layer temperature profiles retrieved with multi-frequency, multi-angle microwave radiometry