HD(CP)2 short term observations, cloud liquid water content (height resolved) data of Cloudnet products (no. 00), HOPE campaign by LACROS, data version 01
Daily files of Cloudnet liquid water content dataset
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Dataset Author
Patric Seifert, seifert@tropos.de, Institution: Leibniz Institut for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Leipzig, GermanyDescription
This dataset contains liquid water content calculated by using radar and lidar to identify the liquid cloud base and top in each profile, using the model temperature and pressure to calculate the adiabatic liquid water content in each cloud layer, and then using dual-wavelength microwave radiometers to scale the liquid water content values to yield the correct liquid water path. While this simple partitioning with height is somewhat uncertain, liquid water clouds are frequently thin, occupying only a few vertical model levels, so this dataset is adequate for testing liquid water content in models. The error variable is determined as follows: lwc_error=10*log[ (X+dX)/X ] with X being the measured value and dX being the absolute uncertainty."
Limitations: none
Provenance: Cloudnet-processed remote-sensing data. See the global argument *cloudnet_source* for more details. Data processed by Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig
Comments: none
Instrument 1
- Source: Metek Mira36s cloud radar
- Descriptive Instrument location: The instruments were parts of LACROS that was located on the area of a sewage treatment plant in Krauthausen, south of Juelich during the HOPE campaign.
Instrument 2
- Source: Model COSMO-EU
- Descriptive Instrument location: The instruments were parts of LACROS that was located on the area of a sewage treatment plant in Krauthausen, south of Juelich during the HOPE campaign.
Instrument 3
- Source: Microwave radiometer HATPRO
- Descriptive Instrument location: The instruments were parts of LACROS that was located on the area of a sewage treatment plant in Krauthausen, south of Juelich during the HOPE campaign.
Instrument 4
- Source: Ceilometer Jenoptick CHM15kx
- Descriptive Instrument location: The instruments were parts of LACROS that was located on the area of a sewage treatment plant in Krauthausen, south of Juelich during the HOPE campaign.
Global information
- PID: de.koeln.rrzk/amd.de.hope/lac.cln00.l4.cllw
- Project: HD(CP)2
- Level: 4
- Updated version: 01
- File format: NETCDF3_CLASSIC
- Convention: CF-1.6 where applicable
- Average File Size Uncompressed: 20 Mb
- File name: hope_lac_cln00_l4_cllw_v[VV]_[YYYYMMDDhhmmss].nc
- Start: 2013-04-01
- End: 2013-05-31
Contact Person(s)
Patric Seifert (seifert@tropos.de)
Ewan O'Connor,Level 2a Cloudnet product: Liquid water content (linear scaled adiabatic method)