- Northern Hemisphere: [get ASCII Text file via HTTP] [get netCDF file via HTTP]
- Southern Hemisphere: [get ASCII Text file via HTTP] [get netCDF file via HTTP]
Detailed information for INM-CM4 / -CM5 missing.
Institution: Institute for Numerical Mathematics (INM), Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Model: Institute for Numerical Mathematics - Climate Model Version 4 (INM-CM4) // Version 5 (INM-CM5)
Resolution: aerosol: 100 km, atmos: 100 km, land: 100 km, ocean: 100 km, seaIce: 100 km // aerosol: 100 km, atmos: 100 km, land: 100 km, ocean: 50 km, seaIce: 50 km
INM-CM4: aerosol: INM-AER1, atmos: INM-AM4-8 (2x1.5; 180 x 120 longitude/latitude; 21 levels; top level sigma = 0.01), land: INM-LND1, ocean: INM-OM5 (North Pole shifted to 60N, 90E; 360 x 318 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; sigma vertical coordinate), seaIce: INM-ICE1
INM-CM5: as INM-CM4 but: atmos: INM-AM5-0 (2x1.5; 180 x 120 longitude/latitude; 73 levels; top level sigma = 0.0002), ocean: INM-OM5 (North Pole shifted to 60N, 90E. 0.5x0.25; 720 x 720 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; vertical sigma coordinate)
Contact: Evgeny Volodin, email: volodinev (at)
References: Volodin, E. M., et al., Simulation of the modern climate using the INM-CM48 climate model, Russ. J. Numeric. Anal. Mathematic. Model., 33(6), 2018, ; Volodin, E. M., et al., Simulation of the present-day climate with the climate model INMCM5, Climate Dyn., 49, 3715-3734, 2017,
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