LACROS - Leipzig Aerosol and Cloud Remote Observations
LACROS comprises a unique set of active and passive remote-sensing instruments to obtain synergistic information about cloud and aerosol properties from multi–instrument and hence multi–sensor observations. LACROS is containerized and available for application in field campaigns. Please find further information at the LACROS website.
These data sets are part of the SAMD archive. See research section, to find more information about the SAMD Archive.
LACROS data sets
- sups-lac-cln00-l4-class (Cloudnet categorization dataset)
- sups-lac-cln00-l4-cllw (Cloudnet liquid water content dataset)
- sups-lac-cln00-l4-iwc (Cloudnet ice water content dataset)
- sups-lac-dm00-l1-any (LACROS disdrometer data)
- sups-lac-mwr00-l1-tb (Microwave radiometer brightness temperatures)
- sups-lac-mwr00-l2-clwvi (Microwave radiometer retrieved clwvi)
- sups-lac-mwr00-l2-hua (Microwave radiometer retrieved humidity profile)
- sups-lac-mwr00-l2-prw (Microwave radiometer retrieved prw)
- sups-lac-mwr00-l2-ta (Microwave radiometer retrieved temperature profile)
- sups-lac-mwrBL00-l1-tb (Microwave radiometer brightness temperatures boundary layer scans)
- sups-lac-mwrBL00-l2-ta (Microwave radiometer retrieved temperature profile from boundary layers scans)