HD(CP)2 long term observations, lw broadband downwelling radiation (surface) data of Pyrgeometer (no. 02), by Supersite JOYCE, data version 00
Downwelling long wave irradiance
Dataset Author
Lukas Pfitzenmaier (l.pfitzenmaier@uni-koeln.de), Institution: Research Center Juelich, Institute for Energy and Climate research (IEK-8)Description
Down welling long wave irradiance and its error. Further information on sensor (PIR of University of Bonn) and data processing can be found in attached pdf document.
Limitations: none
Provenance: none
Comments: none
Instrument 1
- Source: Manufactured by Kipp and Zonen. Sensor spectral range is 0.285-2.8 microm.
- Descriptive Instrument location: none
Global information
- PID: de.koeln.rrzk/amd.de.sups/joy.pyrg02.l1.rlds
- Project: HD(CP)2
- Level: 1
- Updated version: 00
- File format: NETCDF3_CLASSIC
- Convention: CF-1.6 where applicable
- Average File Size Uncompressed: none Mb
- File name: sups_joy_pyrg02_l1_rlds_v[VV]_[YYYYMMDDhhmmss].nc
- Start: 2017-01-01
- End: 2018-06-18
Contact Person(s)
Birger Bohn (b.bohn@fz-juelich.de)