Which data is secured and which isn‘t?
Windows: Nothing is backed up on the Windows computers! If you want a backup of your system, we can set it up for you. The backups are done via the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager system of the RRZ. On all computers the drive H: is connected to one of our servers, there is a nightly backup here.
Linux: The home directory is backed up every night and each directory contains a ".snapshot" folder that contains the backed up data. There is no backup of /scratch/local[1-5]/!
Drive H: Home-directory
- Storage space: 20GB (can be exceeded by 1GB at short notice)
- Snapshots: Storage of all data for 90 days in the ".snapshot"-folders
- Backup: independent of the snapshots, a backup of the last 60 days is kept
What should be backed up and where can I save my backup?
We don't have the capacity to back up every hard drive on your computer, which are nowaadays a few terabytes in size.
But we can make backups of the most important data. This includes important documents, own scripts, model code and data, measurement data etc. Some workgroups have access to central servers with group shares, which are backed up regularly. For further information please contact your Masteruser or contact us.
Apart from that the DKRZ provides long-term archiving. You can obtain information directly from the DKRZ Consulting.
I do not have access to a central storage space, but I still want a backup of my data
For short-term backup of your data we can let you borrow an external hard drive. For borrowing (term of two weeks) and discussion of a possibility to store the data long-term please contact us.
I deleted files from the home directory (Drive H), is there a possibility to retrieve them?
Our Backup-System creates a copy of your data every night and saves them in a ".snapshot"-directory. You have direct access to the data of the last 7 days und can simply copy the missing files.
The directory is not visible and must be called up explicitly.
In a terminal: ls -al ~/.snapshot
In the explorer address bar: \\\home\.snapshot\2016-07-13\u123456\