Visualization Laboratory
With the help of specially developed computer programs, the CEN Visualization Laboratory presents the results of climate simulations in the form of images or videos. This facilitates the analysis of large volumes of data - trends and relations become clearer and (in the truest sense of the word) easier to see.
Dr. Felicia Brisc, Tel. +49 40 42838 7744, Email:
Visualization Support
The main mission of the CEN Visualization Laboratory is to help CEN scientists and students incorporate visualization techniques into their research or coursework. CEN Visualization is looking to turn climate data into powerful visualizations using state-of-the-art tools to produce animations that can showcase and boost the impact of your work.
In some cases, customized software development is needed to meet our visualization goals. Please find a selection of available downloads on github and browse through the “Video Gallery” and “Interactive Visualizations” sections to view corresponding visualization examples.
E-Mail Support and Consultations
Interested in having CEN Visualization produce an animation from your data, need help with a project or have a more in-depth question? The Laboratory offers support via e-mail and consultations for CEN scientists. Schedule an appointment or write your question to felicia.brisc"AT"
Students enrolled in the School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences programs are qualified to attend our regular Spring “Scientific Visualization” block course in order to learn about visualization methods and techniques.