Cluster of Excellence, CLICCS
CLIMATE, CLIMATIC CHANGE, AND SOCIETY (CLICCS) is a Cluster of Excellence at the Universität Hamburg, where research is carried out together with strong partner institutions. Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), CLICCS is a key research project, located at and coordinated by CEN.
Identifying Climate Futures
The program aims to understand climate changes, taking into account internal variability, extreme events, and unexpected side effects, addressing the natural and social spheres as well as their interactions. Thus CLICCS’ overarching research question is: Which climate futures are possible and which are plausible?
The 2015 Paris agreement provides a powerful impetus not only for climate policy but also for climate research. The research challenges resulting can only be tackled in a program spanning the range from basic research on climate and social dynamics to the transdisciplinary exploration of human-environment interactions – exactly the CLICCS vision.
Enabler for Decision Makers
Based on extensive experience in interdisciplinary climate research, CLICCS will identify plausible climate futures on all scales – ranging from global to local. This competence is key to provide the information needed by decision makers for planning a sustainable future, including the ability to cope with surprises in the climate system.
A central synthesis project will distill results on possible and plausible futures within CLICCS and worldwide into an annual ‘Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook’. Knowledge transfer will be accomplished jointly with the GERICS Climate Service Center.