Subproject 6: Evaluation methods for UrbMod
Subproject goals:
Global environmental changes of the 21th century are beside sociodemographic changes the leading challenges for future urban health. Subproject 4 investigates associations of potential risk factors on urban health and health-related quality of life in the city of Hamburg, Germany. The overarching objective is the development of a regional-differentiating model to investigate the potential influence of environmental and climatic changes on urban health and health-related quality of life by additionally considering socioeconomic and sociodemographic indicators.
The following tasks will be focused:
- Preparation, integration, and evaluation of potential risk factors on health
- Model development (Agent-based modelling)
- Analyses of potential environmental risk factors on regional morbidity and mortality by adjusting for socioeconomic and sociodemographic indicators.
- Modelling of the local health and health-related quality of life in the city of Hamburg.
Prof. Dr. K.H. Schlünzen
Leiterin des TPBundesstr. 55
20146 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 42838 5082
Fax: + 49 40 42838 5452
E-Mail: heinke.schluenzen(at)
David Grawe
Jana Fischereit
ProjektmitarbeiterinBundesstr. 55
20146 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 42838 5078
E-Mail: jana.fischereit(at)