Subproject 2: Target variable guided preperation of stressors
Subproject goals:
The goal of this subproject is the preparation and integration of sectoral, quantitative and spatial data related to stressors (e.g. extreme values of perceived temperature, UV radiation, noise). Included here are data from on-field measurements but also the datasets created as the result of physical-numerical, statistical, and GIS-based models.
In order to integrate the sector-specific data into a multi-sectoral urban development impact model, several modules (i.e. sectoral models) will be developed in cooperation with subproject 1 and subproject 5. As a basis for such modules, methods for parameterizing the data and information will be developed first. The aim is to reduce the spatial and/or temporal complexity and variability of the data in order to derive significant and relevant variables as initial conditions, input variables, or boundary conditions. A module deals with, for example, the relationship between UV radiation and skin cancer; the relevance of the modules for the target "health" is ensured by impact analysis (subproject 3). Together with subproject 5, and with regard to the theoretical modeling in coordination with subproject 1, interfaces between the modules as well as existing databases i.e. database models should be defined and developed.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Fröhle

Subproject Leader
Denickestr. 22
21073 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 42878 4600
E-Mail: froehle(at)
Nataša Manojlović

Project Scientist
Denickestr. 22
21073 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 42878 3090
E-Mail: natasa.manojlovic(at)
Dejan Antanasković

Project Scientist
Denickestr. 22
21073 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 42878 3900
E-Mail: dejan.anatanskovic(at)