HD(CP)2 long term observations, path of integrated water vapor data of GNSS network (no. 00), full domain observation by GeoMet, Uni Cologne, data version 01
GNSS network data of path of integrated water vapor
To get a year dataset please use one of the links below to download the wget script:
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
Dataset Author
Sandra Steinke (ssteinke@meteo.uni-koeln.de), Institution: University of Cologne Institute for Geophysics and MeteorologyDescription
path of integrated water vapor
Limitations: none
Provenance: GNSS data received from German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Potsdam; adapted by IGMK, University of Cologne.
Comments: none
Instrument 1
- Source: GNSS network
- Descriptive Instrument location: Ground-based GNSS network. For exact location see respective variables in netCDF file.
Global information
- PID: de.koeln.rrzk/amd.de.hdfd/igmk.gnssnet00.l2.prw
- Project: HD(CP)2
- Level: 2
- Updated version: 01
- File format: NETCDF3_CLASSIC
- Convention: based on CF-1.6
- Average File Size Uncompressed: 0.5 Mb
- File name: hdfd_igmk_gnssnet00_l2_prw_v[VV]_[YYYYMMDDhhmmss].nc
- Start: 2007-01-01
- End: 2018-04-30
Contact Person(s)
Sandra Steinke (ssteinke@meteo.uni-koeln.de)
Galina Dick (dick@gfz-potsdem.de)
Gendt, G., G. Dick, C. Reigber, M. Tomassini, Y. Liu et al.,Near real time GPS water vapor monitoring for numerical weather prediction in Germany