"Workshop on Fundamentals of Climate, Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, Hamburg, 12-14 May 2014"
Room 101, Bundesstrasse 53, Hamburg
8:45 Introduction (G. Badin, U. Hamburg, Germany)
9:00-9:35 G. Vallis (U. Exeter, UK): "GFD Problems in Global Warming"
9:35-10:10 F. Ragone (U. Hamburg, Germany): "A new framework for climate sensitivity and prediction" (pdf)
10:50-11:25 V. Lucarini (U. Hamburg, Germany): "Equivalence of Non equilibrium Ensembles in Fluid Dynamics"
11:25-11:50 B. Wingate (U. Exeter, UK): "The influence of fast waves and fluctuations on the evolution of three slow solutions of the Boussinesq equations and its relationship to next generation computing" (pdf)
13:50-14:25 K.S. Smith (NYU, USA): "Mesoscale eddy energy locality in a wind-driven double-gyre model" (pdf)
14:25-15:00 A. Barry (IMA, USA): "N-vortex equilibria in fluids" (pdf)
15:00-15:35 J. Taylor (U. Cambridge, UK): "Turbulence and biology at a submesoscale eddy"
16:15-16:50 F. Paparella (U. Salento, Italy): "Clustering and staircase formation in fingering convection" (pdf)
16:50-17:25 D. Stammer (U. Hamburg, Germany): "How can we properly observe the sub-mesoscale variability in the ocean?" (CliSAP Invited Talk)
9:00-9:35 J. Sommeria (CNRS, France): "Bistability and transitions induced by topography in a laboratory model of a geostrophic jet" (pdf)
9:35-10:10 A. Venaille (CNRS, France): "Ribbon turbulence" (pdf)
10:50-11:25 G. Badin (U. Hamburg, Germany): "On the role of shortwave instabilities in QG turbulence" (pdf)
11:25-11:50 J. Vanneste (U. Edinburgh, UK): "Chemical front propagation in cellular flows" (pdf)
13:50-14:25 J. LaCasce (U. Oslo, Norway): "Relative Dispersion in the Atmosphere" (pdf)
14:25-15:00 J. von Hardenberg (CNR, Italy): "Pathways of self-aggregation in atmospheric convection" (pdf)
15:00-15:35 F. Bouchet (CNRS, France): "Abrupt transitions and large deviations in geophysical turbulent flows" (pdf)
16:15-16:50 P. Zurita-Gotor (U. Computense, Spain): "Zonal index persistence, eddy feedbacks and their sensitivity to friction" (pdf)
16:50-17:25 E.P. Gerber (NYU, USA): "What drives the Brewer-Dobson Circulation?” (pdf)
9:00-9:35 U. Achatz (U. Frankfurt, Germany): "On the application of WKB theory for the simulation of the weakly nonlinear dynamics of gravity waves" (pdf)
9:35-10:10 R. Klein (Freie U. Berlin, Germany): "Mesoscale tropospheric motions as a three time scale problem: towards a rigorous justification of the pseudo-incompressible model" (pdf)
10:50-11:25 R. Blender (U. Hamburg, Germany): "Models in geophysical fluid dynamics in Nambu form" (pdf)
11:25-11:50 C. Eden (U. Hamburg, Germany): "A framework for energetically consistent ocean models"
List of Posters
S. Bachm (U. Cambridge, UK): "Toward parameterizing submesoscales"
S. Borchert (U. Frankfurt, Germany): "Spontaneous emission of gravity waves in the differentially heated rotating annulus" (pdf)
F. Cresto-Aleina (MPI MET, Germany): "Upscaling micro-topographic controls on land-atmosphere interactions in high latitude ecosystems"
S. Dolaptchiev (U. Frankfurt, Germany): "Towards subgrid-scale parameterizations constrained by first principles and with climate dependence"
D. Domeisen (U. Hamburg, Germany): "The role of synoptic eddies in the tropospheric response to stratospheric variability" and "A search for chaotic behavior in stratospheric variability" (pdf1, pdf2)
A. Gabrielski (U. Hamburg, Germany): "Anomalous dispersion of sea ice in the Fram Strait region"(pdf)
E. Manzini (MPI MET, Germany): "Northern winter climate change: Assessment of uncertainty in CMIP5 projections related to stratosphere – troposphere coupling"
D. C. Montoya-Gil (U. Hamburg, Germany): "Kinetic-induced systems for conservation laws" (pdf)
D. Mukiibi (U. Hamburg, Germany): "Lagrangian coherent structures from 3D finite time Lyapunov exponents" (pdf)
S. Pascale (U. Hamburg, Germany): "Analysis of rainfall seasonality from observations and climate models using information theory"
F. Ragone (U. Hamburg, Germany): "Response theory in geophysical fluid dynamics" (pdf)
B. Ribstein (U. Frankfurt, Germany):"Assessment of the Impact of Middle-Atmosphere Solar Tides on Gravity Waves in a WKB Gravity-Wave Model Based on Wave-Action Phase-Space Density" (pdf)
J. Segura (U. Hamburg, Germany): "Empirical orthogonal function reduction of a simple wind-driven ocean circulation model" (pdf)
C. Shakespeare (U. Cambridge, UK): "A generalised model of frontogenesis"
J.-H. Xie (U. Edinburgh, UK): "A GLM model of the interactions between near-inertial waves and turbulence"