HOPE Campaign 2013

Prototype Experiment The "HD(CP)² Observational Prototype Experiment" (HOPE) was designed to provide a critical model evaluation at the scale of the model simulations and further to provide information on sub grid variability and microphysical properties that are subject to parameterizations even at high-resolution simulations. Cross cutting activities with the partner projects within the Observation Module will provide optimal integration of the Prototype Experiment data into the overall model evaluation activities.
The campaign focuses on the onset of clouds (activation) and precipitation (auto conversion) in the convective atmospheric boundary layer. By capturing the 3D cloud distribution the measurement can support the investigation of cloud-overlap and 3D radiative effects. In the absence of boundary layer clouds, the HOPE remote sensing instrument system is ideally suited to retrieve aerosol and cirrus cloud properties. HOPE ideally complements the larger spatio-temporal Full-Domain and Supersites activities in the Observations Module. Tools for small scale model evaluation developed in the Integration project will be applied to the observed atmospheric fields. Surface energy flux closure studies will serve as integration tool of all available HOPE data and will provide the link between HD cloud and surface flux variability.
The Instrument Position Map gives an Overview of all measurement instruments during HOPE.
These data sets are part of the SAMD archive. See research section, to find more information about the SAMD Archive.
Data sets
- hope-ipm-dial00-l1-hua (Absolute humidity from DIAL)
- hope-ipm-rlid00-l1-ta (Mean air temperature profiles from Raman lidar)
- hope-kic-dlidDBS00-l2-wind (WindTracer wind direction, wind speed (u,v) from VAD)
- hope-kic-dlidST00-l1-any (WindTracer backscatter coefficient, signal to noise ratio, radial velocity)
- hope-kic-dlidST01-l1-any (WindTracer backscatter coefficient, signal to noise ratio, radial velocity)
- hope-kic-dlidST03-l1-any (WindTracer signal to noise ratio, radial velocity)
- hope-kic-mets00-l1-any (Meteorological data (near surface))
- hope-kic-mets00-l2-hfss (Sensible Heat Flux)
- hope-kic-mets01-l1-any (Meteorological data near surface)
- hope-kic-mets01-l2-hfss (Sensible Heat Flux)
- hope-kic-mets02-l2-hfss (Sensible Heat Flux)
- hope-kic-mwr00-l1-tb (Microwave radiometer brightness temperatures)
- hope-kic-mwr00-l2-clwvi (Integrated water vapor)
- hope-kic-mwr00-l2-prw (Liquid water vapor)
- hope-kic-sebs00-l1-any (Meteorological data (near surface and soil))
- hope-kic-sebs00-l2-hfls (Energy balance components)
- hope-kic-sebs00-l2-hfss (Energy balance components)
- hope-kic-sebs00-l2-rnets (Energy balance components)
- hope-kic-sebs01-l1-any (Meteorological data (near surface and soil))
- hope-kic-sebs01-l2-hfls (Energy balance components)
- hope-kic-sebs01-l2-hfss (Energy balance components)
- hope-kic-sebs01-l2-rnets (Energy balance components)
- hope-kic-sonde00-l1-any (Radio sounding)
- hope-lac-ceilo00-l1-any (Jenoptik CHM15kx ceilometer data)
- hope-lac-ceilo00-l1-beta (Jenoptik CHM15k ceilometer uncalibrated attenuated backscatter data)
- hope-lac-ceilo00-l2-zmlaa (Jenoptik CHM15k ceilometer level-2 data: mixing layer height from aerosol backscatter)
- hope-lac-cln00-l4-aclass (aerosol classification dataset)
- hope-lac-cln00-l4-class (Cloudnet categorization dataset)
- hope-lac-cln00-l4-cllw (Cloudnet liquid water content dataset)
- hope-lac-cln00-l4-iwc (Cloudnet ice water content dataset)
- hope-lac-cr00-l1-any (Cloud radar data)
- hope-lac-dm00-l1-any (LACROS disdrometer data)
- hope-lac-mwr00-l1-tb (LACROS Microwave radiometer brightness temperatures)
- hope-lac-mwr00-l2-clwvi (LACROS Microwave radiometer retrieved clwvi)
- hope-lac-mwr00-l2-hua (LACROS Microwave radiometer retrieved humidity profile)
- hope-lac-mwr00-l2-prw (LACROS Microwave radiometer retrieved prw)
- hope-lac-mwr00-l2-ta (LACROS Microwave radiometer retrieved temeprature profile)
- hope-lac-mwrBL00-l1-tb (LACROS Microwave radiometer brightness temperatures boundary layer scans)
- hope-lac-mwrBL00-l2-ta (LACROS Microwave radiometer retrieved temperature profile from boundary layers scans)
- hope-lim-rlmwr00-l4-humr (Humidity mixing ratio profiles from a combination of Raman lidar and microwave radiometer)
- hope-trop-pyrnet00-l1-hur (Relative Humidity)
- hope-trop-pyrnet00-l1-rsds (Shortwave broadband downwelling shortwave radiation (surface))
- hope-trop-pyrnet00-l1-ta (Air temperature near to surface)
- hope-trop-pyrnet01-l1-hur (Relative Humidity)
- hope-trop-pyrnet01-l1-rsds (Shortwave broadband downwelling shortwave radiation (surface))
- hope-trop-pyrnet01-l1-ta (Air temperature near to surface)
- hope-unibas-rlid00-l1-any (Raman-Lidar Range Corrected Backscatter Signal)
- hope-unibas-rlid00-l2-humr (Water Vapour mixing ratio)