November 2024
Exhibition "Portraits of Climate"
In "Portraits of Climate" we unite art and science in a unique collaborative endeavor. Over several months, artists and researchers exchange ideas and explore collaboration beyond their usual field of action, ultimately jointly creating an artwork. The artworks will be presented to the public from the 7th November, 2024, 5 pm, at the University Museum in Hamburg. Everyone is welcome! The six-month...
April 2025
E-Learning: Starting your PhD or Postdoc in Hamburg successfully
Getting Started in the German Academic System
At the beginning of your doctoral or postdoctoral journey, it is crucial to first and foremost organize the research tasks of your work – while at the same time not losing sight of other relevant aspects that arise in this early phase of your career. Researchers who have not yet gained experience in the German academic system in their previous career...
E-Learning: Starting your PhD or Postdoc in Hamburg successfully
As part of the research communication project, the Hamburg Research Academy offers an e-learning course for an introduction to science communication. The course offers basic knowledge of how science communication works. It focuses on topics such as dimensions of science communication, the interplay of actors and target groups or dealing with media requests. The interactive learning units are...
Getting Started. The Successful Path to a Doctorate Degree
As a PhD candidate you are the project manager of your own PhD project. This workshop supplies you with the tools you need in order to plan and execute your doctoral project as effectively and efficiently as possible. You discuss and test basic strategies and techniques of a good project- and time-management. This allows you to organize yourself and your workload in better ways. Based on your...
Betreuung: Erfolgreich in die Zusammenarbeit starten
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Approaches to Good Supervision. Session 1: Getting Started as a Supervisor
About the Series
Starting as a postdoc, junior group leader or junior professor, it is usually expected to supervise doctoral candidates. Supervision however is one of the tasks that are so "normal" in academia that we quite often neglect to further explain and prepare: "Everybody knows what supervision is so we don’t need to talk about it." – As a result of this mindset, researchers who start...
HRA Spotlight – Science Communication as a Job: Your Career Beyond Academia?
In today’s rapidly evolving academic landscape, many researchers are exploring alternative career paths beyond traditional academia. This short interactive workshop is designed for those interested in science communication and eager to understand how to navigate this field.
Our two experienced guests have successfully transitioned from research to positions in science communication, one at a...
Karriereplanung nach der Promotion
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Publishing Journal Articles: Strategies for Success
Journal articles should be published to influence the field – not simply to increase the list of publications. This advanced workshop is designed for researchers who have already begun their publishing journey and are seeking to refine their strategies. We will navigate the publishing and peer review process, with the aim of enhancing acceptance rates.
The current publishing landscape
Aktive Mittagspause zum Thema "Aktuelle Daten zum geschlechtergerechten Sprachgebrauch an der Universität Hamburg"
This event takes place in German.
Postdoc Welcome Night
The PIER Education Platform and MIN-Faculty at Universität Hamburg welcomes all new (and anybody that still feels new) postdoctoral fellows of Campus Bahrenfeld. We will make you familiar with structures at PIER and the MIN faculty and also share many other resources available for you at Campus Bahrenfeld. Two Mini workshops are offered to career paths inside and outside of academia by our vice...
Scientific Poster Lab: Visual Methods to Reach Different Target Groups
Scientific posters are an integral part of the daily work of scientists. Usually, you design them for an expert group with special pre-knowledge. But sometimes there are also posters required to explain your work to a much broader target group – for example, at "Open House" events. In this workshop you will learn visual methods that will help you convey your message to a lay audience – and also...
HRA Spotlight – Promovieren? Wissenswertes für die Entscheidung
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Karriereorientierung: Gruppenberatung für Promovierende und Postdocs
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
May 2025
Approaches to Good Supervision. Session 2: Lead
About the Series
Starting as a postdoc, junior group leader or junior professor, it is usually expected to supervise doctoral candidates. Supervision however is one of the tasks that are so "normal" in academia that we quite often neglect to further explain and prepare: "Everybody knows what supervision is so we don’t need to talk about it." As a result of this mindset, researchers who start...
HRA Spotlight – Promovieren und Familie. Herausforderungen und Lösungen
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Building Your Career Strategy in Academia & Beyond
To achieve your goals in career and life, you first need to clarify what you truly want—or determine whether what you think you want is the right fit. In this workshop, I will share strategies to help you identify your values, transferable skills, and strengths. We will explore how storytelling and networking tools can enhance your ability to communicate your aspirations and increase your...
Writing Outside the Box: Techniques, Formats & Practice
Writing for a non-scientific audience has you breaking out into sweat? Don’t worry, you are not alone. The good news: while talent plays a role as it does in any skill, so do method, technique and practice. Engaging writing is a skill that you can learn. This course will focus on the basics:
1. Mind the gap: how to write for target audiences beyond academia
2. Dealer's choice: an introduction to...
Career Orientation: Group Counseling for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers
Academic Career: yes or no? And what comes next?
This one-hour event supports you in clarifying individual career questions in a small group (max. 4 doctoral candidates and/or postdocs). Particularly those of you who are "not yet decided" will receive suggestions for confident and timely decision-making.
Systemic questions and resource-oriented coaching methods enable you to change your...
June 2025
Promovieren mit KI – Darf ich das? Gute Wissenschaftliche Praxis im Zeitalter von Künstlicher Intelligenz
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Approaches to Good Supervision. Session 3: Train
About the Series
Starting as a postdoc, junior group leader or junior professor, it is usually expected to supervise doctoral candidates. Supervision however is one of the tasks that are so "normal" in academia that we quite often neglect to further explain and prepare: "Everybody knows what supervision is so we don’t need to talk about it." As a result of this mindset, researchers who start...
Selbstmanagement, Stressbewältigung & Selbstmotivation für Promovierende
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Effective Academic Writing: Tools and Strategies
Writing is an essential skill for researchers aiming for success. This two-day workshop is packed with tips and strategies designed to streamline the writing process, making it not only more efficient but also more enjoyable. Over the two days, we dive into the art of writing, focussing on mastering techniques to effectively communicate your ideas and findings to your readers. By understanding...
Onboarding in German Academia
Information and support for doctoral researchers new to the German academic system
Researching, teaching, supervising, and working in the German academic system brings with it challenges in terms of communication and collaboration. An understanding of how research organisations work, what structures they follow, what career opportunities there are and what expectations are associated with them...
HRA Spotlight – Nationale Forschungsförderung für Postdocs
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
HRA Spotlight – Mehr als Plagiatsvermeidung. Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis in der Promotion
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Academic Writing in the Natural and Life Sciences
Writing is an essential part of the successful researcher’s skillset. However, writing at the standard necessary to publish in peer-reviewed journals can be challenging. This two-day writing workshop is for doctoral researchers in the life and natural sciences who wish to improve their academic writing skills in English.
This hands-on workshop will delve into the structure of English papers and...
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
HRA Spotlight – EU-Forschungsförderung für Postdocs
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Karriereorientierung: Gruppenberatung für Promovierende und Postdocs
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Exposé-Werkstatt. Von der Idee zum Text
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
E-Learning: Starting your PhD or Postdoc in Hamburg successfully
Getting Started in the German Academic System
At the beginning of your doctoral or postdoctoral journey, it is crucial to first and foremost organize the research tasks of your work – while at the same time not losing sight of other relevant aspects that arise in this early phase of your career. Researchers who have not yet gained experience in the German academic system in their previous career...
July 2025
Science Communication in Grant Proposals
This workshop is aimed at scientists who apply for funding for their research, especially postdocs. The seminar enables you to adequately reflect the topic of science communication in your grant applications and to implement the communication projects planned within the framework of your research proposals.
The workshop will cover essential basic principles of science communication. You will then...
Effektives Zeitmanagement für Promovierende
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Erfolgreiches Projektmanagement für Promovierende
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Developing Your Emerging Research Ideas for Funding Proposal
Don’t let funding calls pass you by because you haven't had time to put the ideas in your head down in to a coherent proposal. This is an opportunity to spend a day taming your great research ideas. These may be ideas that you have been pondering for some time, have discussed with colleagues, but have not quite got them organised and on to paper. In this interactive session you will spend some...
Approaches to Good Supervision. Session 4: Facilitate
About the Series
Starting as a postdoc, junior group leader or junior professor, it is usually expected to supervise doctoral candidates. Supervision however is one of the tasks that are so "normal" in academia that we quite often neglect to further explain and prepare: "Everybody knows what supervision is so we don’t need to talk about it." As a result of this mindset, researchers who start...
Career Orientation: Group Counseling for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers
Academic Career: yes or no? And what comes next?
This one-hour event supports you in clarifying individual career questions in a small group (max. 4 doctoral candidates and/or postdocs). Particularly those of you who are "not yet decided" will receive suggestions for confident and timely decision-making.
Systemic questions and resource-oriented coaching methods enable you to change your...
August 2025
Karriereorientierung: Gruppenberatung für Promovierende und Postdocs
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
September 2025
Mit Storytelling Forschung neu denken
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
Academic Career Perspectives – From PhD to Postdoc
Many PhD researchers opt for further careers in higher education and research. So, they work as postdoc as the next step. But the application process can be mysterious, the transition phase from doctorate to postdoc may seem difficult, expectations and requirements remain uncertain. In this workshop, we will demystify the process from PhD to postdocs. We will describe the roles, rights and duties...
Conference Presentation: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk
The seminar provides participants the opportunity to perfect their public-speaking skills. This is an activity-based workshop led by theatre professionals whose expertise is in helping the speaker effectively communicate the importance and relevance of the work and the core message in the talk. Repetition is a key aspect of the training so that participants can strengthen the narrative, the...
Approaches to Good Supervision. Session 5: Laws, Rules and Regulations
About the Series
Starting as a postdoc, junior group leader or junior professor, it is usually expected to supervise doctoral candidates. Supervision however is one of the tasks that are so “normal” in academia that we quite often neglect to further explain and prepare: “Everybody knows what supervision is so we don’t need to talk about it.” As a result of this mindset, researchers who start...
Videos für die Wissenschaftskommunikation
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.
HRA Spotlight – Early Career Researchers in der Wissenschaftskommunikation
This event takes place in German. For more information, please visit the Hamburg Research Academy website.