New at the CEN: seismic wave expert Céline Hadziioannou
13 February 2017, by CEN Universität Hamburg

Photo: UHH/CEN
At the onset of 2017, geophysics professor Céline Hadziioannou arrived at the CEN. Prof. Hadziioannou comes directly from Munich...
At the onset of 2017, geophysics professor Céline Hadziioannou arrived at the CEN. Prof. Hadziioannou comes directly from Munich, Bavaria, where she headed an Emmy Noether Junior Research Group on seismic waves. Prior to that, she conducted her doctoral research in Grenoble, France.
Seismology is mostly associated with earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. Céline Hadziioannou, however, is rather interested in the intermissions between such events. During these phases, a permanent background noise can be observed. This murmur can be ascribed to the ocean wave’s constant work the sea floor. The noise does not occur with equal strength everywhere but variates with time and place. Resulting from the interplay between the Earth’s crust, the ocean, and the weather above the sea, it holds plenty of valuable information about these factors.
Hadziioannou aims to further decipher the noises’s components in Hamburg. Thus, the geophysicist will closely collaborate with oceanographers and meteorologists. She is particularly delighted about the CEN’s interdisciplinary environment. A warm welcome to our newcomer!