Victor Brovkin appointed to Professor at Universität Hamburg
24 June 2015, by Franziska Neigenfind
Photo: UHH/CEN
On 15 June 2015, the CliSAP researcher Dr. Victor Brovkin was awarded the academic title „Professor“ by the Universität Hamburg.
On 15 June 2015, Dr. Victor Brovkin, CliSAP researcher and deputy head of the department „The Land in the Earth System“ at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), was awarded the academic title „Professor“ by the Universität Hamburg. The title „Professor“ according to §17 of the Hamburg Act of Higher Education is awarded to persons who have distinguished themselves through outstanding scientific achievements, and who have taught independently at the University for at least three years.
Victor Brovkin successfully cooperates with research groups in the university’s „Geosciences“ department, and as a principal investigator he has significantly contributed to the success of the excellence cluster CliSAP (Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction). His professional career started in 1984 when he had received his diploma in mathematics from Lomonosov University in Moscow, from where he also received his Ph.D. four years later. After working in several research positions in Russia, he changed to the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) where he worked as a scientist from 1994 to 2008. Since 2008 Victor Brovkin has been leading the „Climate-Biogeosphere Interaction“ research group at the MPI-M. He habilitated at the Universität Hamburg in 2011. Victor Brovkin was one of the lead authors of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the IPCC, Working Group I.
Prof. Dr. Victor Brovkin
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Phone: 040 41173 339
E-Mail: victor.brovkin"AT"