Ceremonial Farewell to Graduates
3 February 2014, by Markus Dressel

Photo: UHH/CEN/T. Wasilewski
Last Friday, approximately 150 guests attended the graduation ceremony of the Centrum für Erdsystemforschung und Nachhaltigkeit (CEN) in the Geomatikum. During...
Last Friday, approximately 150 guests attended the graduation ceremony of the Centrum für Erdsystemforschung und Nachhaltigkeit (CEN) in the Geomatikum. During the festivities, representatives of the study programmes handed over PhD certificates and Master's Degree certificates to the meteorology, oceanography, earth sciences and geophysics graduates as well as to graduates from the interdisciplinary programme "Integrated Climate System Sciences".
In his opening speech, Professor Detlef Stammer, director of the CEN, emphasized the significant increase of interest in the ceremony: "Last year, we could still celebrate in a much smaller room. The fact that we need a large lecture hall today shows the popular demand and keen interest among the brand new graduates." Study programme representatives too were happy to be able to personally bid the graduates farewell this way.
Professor Heinrich Graener, dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) highlighted, apart from the increasing number of graduates, the changes in academic education. In 2013, more than 150 students graduated in the represented subjects with a Master's Degree or PhD. In addition, others graduated in geography, hydrobiology and fisheries science as well as in sociology, all of them represented at the CEN. "In the past, you chose a thesis supervisor in order to receive a PhD. Today, there is the additional option of structured PhD programmes, such as offered in the graduate school SICSS", says Graener. Besides its PhD programme, the School of Integrated Climate System Sciences (SICSS) offers a Master's course. Particular characteristics are a combination of natural and social sciences with an international orientation.
Background music was provided by a flute duo of the Akademische Musikpflege of the University. Professor Christian Betzler, head of the department of Earth Sciences, indicated that the overall festive atmosphere was to be highlighting the importance of the graduation to the students. "Today, we are celebrating your next step in life", he emphasized. Furthermore, those who have studied at the institutes of the CEN were now equipped with best prerequisites. "Here you can study the entire earth system – from the atmosphere to the innermost part of the earth.
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