New High Performance Supercomputer starts its operation at DKRZ
3 March 2022, by German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ

Photo: DKRZ
Levante - the new, fourth high-performance computing system for Earth system research (HLRE-4) starts operation on the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ). The supercomputer, which like its predecessor "Mistral" is provided by the company Atos, quadruples the computing power with 14 PetaFLOPS. Researchers at CEN and the university's Cluster of Excellence for Climate Research CLICCS will also benefit from this.
In the future, they will be able to carry out more or longer simulations with particularly high-resolution global climate and earth system models on the DKRZ system. Such models allow for the first time a purely physically based representation of important climate processes, whereas in the much coarser models used so far, these small-scale processes had to be parameterized. Furthermore, small-scale interactions between atmosphere, ocean and the other parts of the Earth system can be taken into account.