Becoming a member
If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact the association’s manager:
Dr. Ingo Harms
CEN Förderverein
Grindelberg 5
20144 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 / 42838-4206 (ingo.harms"AT"
Freunde und Förderer des Centrum für Erdsystemforschung und Nachhaltigkeit e.V.
Hamburger Volksbank
IBAN: DE23 2019 0003 0050 4615 08
Prof. Dr. Heinke Schlünzen, Board Chairwoman
Prof. Dr. Lars Kaleschke, Vice-Chairman
Ute Kreis, Vice-Chairwoman
Dr. Ingo Harms, Manager
The aims of the support association are exclusively and directly charitable. Funding and any profits generated are used solely for the purposes outlined in the charter. Members do not receive any share of the profits, nor do they receive any other benefits from association funds. The association does not and will not provide benefits to any individual in the form of spending not directly connected to its declared purposes, nor by paying them disproportionate fees.