ICDC News (2025)About weekly you can find the ICDC news here and a short version of it at Twitter @ICDC_Hamburg.28 March 2025|icdc-news-enExtension of MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST)Photo: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the Terra and Aqua MODIS land surface temperature (LST) data sets. These global data sets come at monthly and daily temporal and with 0.05...28 March 2025|icdc-news-enExtension of MODIS atmospheric propertiesPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the MODIS TERRA and AQUA atmospheric property data sets: temperature profiles, water vapor, precipitable water, various cloud properties...28 March 2025|icdc-news-enExtension of MODIS atmospheric propertiesPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the Terra and Aqua MODIS aerosol properties data sets containing parameters such as concentration of aerosol optical depth derived with...28 February 2025|icdc-news-enWorkshop "How to create publishable netCDF data?"As an NFDI4earth EduHub, ICDC will provide an in-person workshop on 24+25 July. The workshop deals with creating FAIR netCDF data. We encourage the...28 February 2025|icdc-news-enUpgrade of MODIS land water distributionWe upgraded the MODIS/SRTM land - water distribution data set from version 6.0 to version 6.1. This global data set comes on MODIS sinusoidal grid...14 February 2025|icdc-news-enExtension of MODIS LAI - FAPAR data setPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the TERRA-MODIS Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) product MOD15A2H, Collection...24 January 2025|icdc-news-enExtension of sea-ice concentration dataPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended two sea-ice concentration data sets: the IFREMER-ICDC ASI-algorithm sea-ice concentration data set until 2024-12-31; this data set comes...17 January 2025|icdc-news-enExtension of GPCC Monitoring ProductPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the GPCC Monitoring Product of monthly global land-surface precipitation V.2022 by data of five months. This data set is currently...10 January 2025|icdc-news-enExtension S3-OLCI land surface parameter datasetsPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the global LAI, FAPAR and Vegetation Cover Fraction data sets available at 300 m grid resolution or at 0.5 degree grid resolution - until...10 January 2025|icdc-news-enExtension of MODIS Forest and Vegetation Cover Fraction DatasetPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the TERRA-MODIS Forest and Vegetation Cover Fraction data set, version 6.1, by data of the year 2023. With that the data are now available...6 January 2025|icdc-news-enExtension of GlobSnow Snow Water EquivalentPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernThe (kind of) extended the GlobSnow v3.0 Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) product by adding the near-real-time (NRT) product for years 2018 through 2024...