ICDC News (2024)About weekly you can find the ICDC news here and a short version of it at Twitter @ICDC_Hamburg.20 December 2024|icdc-news-enUpgrade of OSCAR ocean surface currentPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe upgraded the OSCAR ocean surface current data set to version V2.0. Data are now available at daily temporal resolution on a 0.25 grid resolution...13 December 2024|icdc-news-enUpgrade of ASCAT soil moisture data setWe extended our global maps of the EUMETSAT Hydrology - Satellite Application Facility (H-SAF) MetOP-ASCAT soil moisture data set product version v7...6 December 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of MODIS sea surface temperaturePhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the MODIS sea surface temperature (SST) data sets for both, Terra and Aqua, based on thermal infrared imaging until including October...6 December 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of MODIS chlorophyll-a concentrationPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the MODIS-based data sets of version v2022.0 of the ocean near-surface chlrorophyll-a concentration and related parameters, e.g...29 November 2024|icdc-news-enUpgrade of ECAD EOBS data to v30.0eWe upgraded the data set of European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ECAD) gridded meteorological observations from version v28e to version v30e. The...22 November 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of Reynolds OISSTPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the v2.1 Reynolds optimum interpolation sea surface temperature (OISST) data set until including September 2024. We offer daily data...22 November 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of MODIS Vegetation Index (NDVI)Photo: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the MODIS Terra and Aqua vegetation index (NDVI and EVI) data sets until including October 2024. These global data sets come at monthly...15 November 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of MODIS Land Surface Temperature (LST)Photo: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the Terra and Aqua MODIS land surface temperature (LST) data sets by data of six months. These global data sets come at monthly and daily...8 November 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of IMERG half-hourly precipitation amount data setPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the IMERG (Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM) data set of the half-hourly estimates of the precipitation amount (intensity) in...25 October 2024|icdc-news-enExtensions of NSIDC sea-ice motion and sea-ice age v4.1 data setsPhoto: UHH/CEN/AJBWe extended the data set of the NSIDC daily gridded sea-ice motion, version 4.1, together with the additional monthly mean gridded sea-ice motion...6 September 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of ASCAT Ocean Surface WindPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernThe ocean surface wind vector data set based on ASCAT satellite observations, produced by REMSS (version v02.1), has been extended. It comes with...23 August 2024|icdc-news-enUpgrade of GLEAM evaporation parameters v3.7 to v4.1Photo: UHH/CEN/StefanKernData of the Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM) have been updated from GLEAM version v3.7a to GLEAM version v4.1a and extended by data for...16 August 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of HadISST, CRUTEM and HadCRUT data setsPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the monthly CRUTEM5 surface (air) temperature anomalies data set, upgraded to V5.0.2.0 and extended the monthly HadCRUT5 combined land and...9 August 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of sea-ice concentration dataPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended two sea-ice concentration data sets: the IFREMER-ICDC ASI-algorithm sea-ice concentration data set until 2024-07-31; this data set comes...9 August 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of MODIS snow coverPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the Terra and Aqua MODIS snow cover data sets, version 6.1, until including June 2024. These global data sets come at 0.05 degree grid...9 August 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of IMS Snow CoverPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the daily IMS Snow Cover data set of the northern hemisphere until the end of July 2024 for both grid resolutions (24 km and 4 km): IMS...25 July 2024|icdc-news-enUpgrade of MODIS Primary Production (GPP) data setPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe upgraded our Terra-MODIS MOD17A2HGF product gross primary production (GPP) and the net photosynthesis Collection 6.1 gap-filled data set by adding...19 July 2024|icdc-news-enUpgrade of IMERG half-hourly precipitation amount data setPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe upgraded the entire IMERG (Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM) data set of the half-hourly estimates of the precipitation amount...19 July 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of MODIS Land surface albedoPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the MODIS Collection 6.1 land surface albedo data set based on combined Terra and Aqua reflectance measurements until including May 2024...12 July 2024|icdc-news-enExtension of MODIS atmospheric propertiesPhoto: UHH/CEN/StefanKernWe extended the MODIS TERRA and AQUA atmospheric property data sets: temperature profiles, water vapor, precipitable water, various cloud properties...More articles