Area: Global
Period: 1950-2006
Data available: YES
Model: no model
Resolution: Horizontal 1.25°x1.25° Vertical 20 levels, 5 in top 50m
Data assimilated: Temperature subsurface data from bottles MBTs, XBTs, CTDs, buoys ARGO WOD01 for the period 1950-55 ENACT dataset from 1956 onwards (additional obs and quality control) SST obs from HadISST Salinity subsurface data from bottles MBTs, XBTs, CTDs, buoys ARGO WOD01 for the period 1950-55 ENACT dataset from 1956 onwards (additional obs and quality control)
Assimilation method: Statistical optimal interpolation Covariances computed from a transient integration of HadCM3 (from 1950 to 1999)
Forcing and relaxation used:
Download Data: OPeNDAP at ICDC, FTP at ICDC, View in LAS at ICDC
Contact: Doug Smith, doug.smith (at)
References: Smith, D. M. and J. M. Murphy, 2007, An objective ocean temperature and salinity analysis using covariances from a global climate model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C02022, doi:10.1029 / 2005JC003172
Information: metoffice