title = "The baltic and north seas climatology (BNSC): A comprehensive, observation-based data product of atmospheric and hydrographic parameters",
abstract = "The Baltic and North Seas Climatology (BNSC) presented here is a new climatology calculated solely from marine in situ observations. Created in cooperation between University of Hamburg (UHH), Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency [Bundesamt f{\"u}r Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)] and German Meteorological Service [Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)], the BNSC is an update of the KLIWAS (“Klimawandel und Wasserstra{\ss}en”) climatology for the North Sea and is extended to the Baltic Sea. A thorough quality control, the reduction of the temporal sampling error and spatial and temporal averaging were applied to the observations, yielding time series of gridded fields of atmospheric and hydrographic parameters in the region of the Baltic, the North Sea and adjacent regions of the North Atlantic. The atmospheric subset of the BNSC consists of time series of monthly mean gridded fields of 2 m air and dew point temperature and air pressure at sea level for the period 1950–2015 on a horizontal 1° × 1° grid. Climatological fields are provided as well. The hydrographic part of the BNSC comprises the variables water temperature and salinity on 105 depth levels for the time interval 1873–2015. The grid boxes' edge length is 0.25° in both zonal and meridional direction. Monthly and annual mean fields are provided as well as decadal monthly mean fields. To create homogenous fields, the method of objective analysis was applied to the fields of decadal means. Furthermore, an extensive sensitivity study was carried out to assess the sensitivity of the data product to the amount of observational data. The BNSC introduced here is compared to several different data products: three reanalyses (ERA-Interim, ERA-40 and COSMO-REA6), the corresponding KLIWAS product and meteorological station data for the atmospheric part. The hydrographic subset is compared to the KLIWAS climatology, the BALTIC ATLAS and the Baltic Sea Physical Reanalysis Product. The BNSC data product allows studying of climate variability but also holds the chance to validate regional numerical climate simulations, which makes it a valuable reference data set. The BSNC is freely available via the website of University of Hamburg's Integrated Climate Data Center.",
keywords = "Baltic Sea, North Sea, climatology, in situ data, quality control, reanalysis",
author = "I. Hinrichs and A. Jahnke-Bornemann and Axel Andersson and A. Ganske and V. Gouretski and Corinna Jensen and Birgit Klein and Jens M{\"o}ller and R. Sadikni and B. Tinz",
note = "Export Date: 22 August 2019 Correspondence Address: Hinrichs, I.; CEN, University of HamburgGermany; email: iris.hinrichs@uni-hamburg.de Funding details: EXC177 Funding details: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG Funding details: Universit{\"a}t Hamburg, UH Funding details: DOD Funding details: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ICES Funding details: National Cancer Research Institute, NCRI Funding details: British Atmospheric Data Centre, BADC Funding details: Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee, NIOZ Funding text 1: This work was partly funded by the Cluster of Excellence CliSAP (EXC177) Universit{\"a}t Hamburg, funded through the German Science Foundation (DFG). IH received funding for this work from BSH. Funding text 2: The authors would like to thank the Maritime Data Center of the DWD for providing the atmospheric observational data. The hydrographic observational data were obtained from different data sources. Thanks, for providing marine in situ data, to the World Ocean Data Center (WOD), the Deutsches Ozeanografisches Datenzentrum, Germany (DOD), the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnem{\"u}nde, Germany (IOW), the International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES), the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute, Poland (IMGW-PIB), the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), the University of Aarhus, and the International ARGO-Project (www.ifremer.fr). The authors would like to thank Kerstin Jochumsen, Sabine H{\"u}ttl-Kabus, Nils Schade, Hartmut Heinrich, (all BSH), Natacha F{\'e}ry (DWD) and Manfred Bersch (UHH) for support and useful discussions concerning the work presented in this paper. Thanks to Detlef Stammer for the support of this work. This work would not have been possible without the wealth of scientific observations in the North and Baltic Sea region. To take measurements at sea and analyze the samples is often a stressful, yet important, work. The authors are grateful to all the scientists and technicians that were involved in sampling, analyzing and publishing the observational data via the data centers. The authors would like to thank the two reviewers for their valuable and detailed comments which helped to improve the manuscript.",
year = "2019",
month = jul,
day = "2",
doi = "10.3389/feart.2019.00158",
language = "English",
volume = "7",
journal = "Frontiers in Earth Science",
issn = "2296-6463",
publisher = "Frontiers Media S. A.",
title = "The KLIWAS North Sea Climatology. Part II: Assessment against Global Reanalyses",
abstract = "Observational reference datasets are needed in atmosphere and ocean for quality assessments of climate models and for the evaluation of atmospheric reanalyses. To meet this demand on the regional scale, the Climate Water Navigation (KLIWAS) North Sea climatology (KNSC) was developed. This paper uses KNSC to assess the quality of five atmospheric reanalysis products [ERA-40; ERA-Interim; NCEP-1; 20CR, version 2 (20CRv2); and MERRA] over the North Sea from 1979 to 2001. Differences in sea level pressure (2-m air temperature) can be found in coastal regions for ERA-40/ERA-Interim and MERRA, and are more pronounced during positive (negative) phases of the NAO. 20CRv2 shows biases over the entire North Sea and all seasons of several hectopascals. ERA-40 and ERA-Interim show a negative 2-m air temperature bias relative to KNSC along the coastal mainland of Europe, especially during winter months, possibly a result of a remaining land influence. Mean differences result from winter and fall, mostly remaining within measurement uncertainties. Despite the upgrades in the model setup, ERA-Interim shows negligible differences from ERA-40. 20CRv2 and MERRA show positive (negative) biases during the summer (winter) half year. NCEP-1 follows ERA-40/ERA-Interim but mostly with slightly higher differences. All five reanalyses reproduce the decadal variability and climate shift signals present in KNSC fields. Overall, only 20CRv2 has to be considered as clearly unsatisfactorily regarding biases, MAE, and RMSE compared to all other datasets investigated. This study suggests that similar intercomparison studies, performed over other parts of the world{\textquoteright}s oceans, especially coastal regions, can be very helpful in identifying shortcomings in atmospheric reanalysis products.",
keywords = "Climatology, Databases, In situ atmospheric observations, Reanalysis data, Ship observations",
author = "Schade, {Nils H.} and Remon Sadikni and Annika Jahnke-Bornemann and Iris Hinrichs and Lydia Gates and Birger Tinz and Detlef Stammer",
year = "2018",
month = jan,
day = "1",
doi = "10.1175/JTECH-D-17-0045.1",
language = "English",
volume = "35",
pages = "127--145",
journal = "Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology",
issn = "0739-0572",
publisher = "American Meteorological Society",
number = "1",
title = "The KLIWAS North Sea Climatology. Part I: Processing of the Atmospheric Data",
abstract = "Climatological reference data serve as validation of regional climate models, as the boundary condition for the model runs, and as input for assimilation systems used by reanalyses. Within the framework of the interdisciplinary research program Climate Water Navigation (KLIWAS): Impacts of Climate Change on Waterways and Navigation of the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, a new climatology of the North Sea and adjacent regions was developed in an joint effort by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, the German Weather Service [Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)], and the Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC) of the University of Hamburg. Long-term records of monthly and annual mean 2-m air temperature, dewpoint temperature, and sea level pressure data from 1950 to 2010 were calculated on a horizontal 1° × 1° grid. All products were based on quality-controlled data from DWD{\textquoteright}s Marine Data Centre. Correction methods were implemented for each parameter to reduce the sampling error resulting from the sparse coverage of observations in certain regions. Comparisons between sampling error estimates based on ERA-40 and the climatology products show that the sampling error was reduced effectively. The climatologies are available for download on the ICDC{\textquoteright}s website and will be updated regularly regarding new observations and additional parameters. An extension to the Baltic Sea is in progress.",
keywords = "In situ atmospheric observations",
author = "Remon Sadikni and Schade, {Nils H.} and Axel Andersson and Annika Jahnke-Bornemann and Iris Hinrichs and Lydia Gates and Birger Tinz and Detlef Stammer",
year = "2018",
month = jan,
day = "1",
doi = "10.1175/JTECH-D-17-0044.1",
language = "English",
volume = "35",
pages = "111--126",
journal = "Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology",
issn = "0739-0572",
publisher = "American Meteorological Society",
number = "1",
title = "Baltic and North Sea Climatology meteorological part (Version 2.0) ...",
abstract = "Project: Baltic and North Seas Climatology - In cooperation between the Bundesamt fur Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH), the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) and the University of Hamburg (UHH) a new climatological data product of hydrographical and atmospherical parameters in the Baltic and North Sea region was created based solely on in-situ data, the {"}Baltic and North Seas Climatology{"}(BNSC). The cooperation was carried out within the framework of the Expertennetzwerk des Bundesministeriums fur Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI). The request of the cooperation was: {"}Extension of the KLIWAS North Sea Climatology to the Baltic Sea{"}. The aim of the joint project was on the one hand a spatial extension to the Baltic Sea of the reference data sets created in the course of the project {"}KLIWAS North Sea Climatology (KNSC){"}. On the other hand, a temporal update was carried out: the atmospheric part of the data product covers the time period from 1950-2015; the hydrographical data product comprises the ...",
author = "Annika Jahnke-Bornemann and Remon Sadikni",
year = "2018",
doi = "10.1594/wdcc/bnsclim_meteo_v2",
language = "English",
type = "Other",
title = "The BALTIC and NORTH SEAS CLIMATOLOGY (BNSC): a comprehensive, observation-based data product of atmospheric and hydrographic parameters",
author = "Iris Hinrichs and Annika Jahnke-Bornemann and Viktor Gouretski and Axel Andersson and Birgit Klein and Remon Sadikni and Schade, {Nils Henning} and Detlef Stammer and Birger Tinz",
year = "2018",
language = "English",
volume = "13",
pages = "208 -- 209",
booktitle = "2 nd Baltic Earth Conference The Baltic Sea in Transition",
note = "2nd Baltic Earth Conference <br/>The Baltic Sea in Transition ; Conference date: 11-06-2018 Through 15-06-2018",
url = "https://www.baltic-earth.eu/",
title = "The Integrated Climate Data Center at CEN, University of Hamburg",
author = "Stefan Kern and Remon Sadikni and Annika Jahnke-Bornemann and Felix Ament and Detlef Stammer",
year = "2018",
language = "Deutsch",
note = "3C Science Conference ; Conference date: 22-10-2018 Through 23-10-2018",
title = "The Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC)",
author = "Annika Jahnke-Bornemann and Remon Sadikni and Stefan Kern and Viktor Gouretski and Felix Ament and Detlef Stammer",
year = "2017",
language = "Deutsch",
note = "DKRZ Usergroup Workshop ; Conference date: 09-10-2017 Through 10-10-2017",
title = "An extended North- and Baltic Sea Climatology (NBSC) of atmospheric and hydrographic in-situ data",
abstract = "For the evaluation and assessment of regional climatemodels reference data are needed. Reanalyses, such as e.g.ERA40 (Uppala et al., 2005), arewidely used as forcing forhindcast runs and as reference of the actual climate state.In general, all existing reanalyses are based on variousassimilated observations that are inhomogeneouslydistributed in space and time, and most of them are aimedat global scale investigations and usage. But how accuratelycan these reanalyses describe the present climate forregional evaluations, especially in near-coastal regions?To investigate regional characteristics in the North Seaarea, the KLIWAS North Sea Climatology was developed asreference data base in close cooperation between theFederal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH),Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) and theIntegrated ClimateData Center (ICDC). KLIWAS was initiated by theFederalMinistry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure of Germany(BMVI) to analyze the potential consequences of climatechange for navigation on inland and coastal waterways.",
author = "Schade, {Nils Henning} and Remon Sadikni and Annika Jahnke-Bornemann and Iris Hinrichs",
year = "2016",
language = "English",
volume = "9",
series = "International Baltic Earth Secretariat Publication ",
publisher = "International Baltic Earth Secretariat Publications",
pages = "183 -- 184",
booktitle = "1 st Baltic Earth Conference Multiple drivers for Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region Nida",
note = "1st Baltic Earth Conference<br/>Multiple drivers for Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region<br/>Nida, Curonian Spit, Lithuania ; Conference date: 13-06-2016 Through 17-06-2016",
url = "https://www.baltic-earth.eu/",
title = "Data and Services at the Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC) at the University of Hamburg",
abstract = "Earth observation data obtained from remote sensing sensors and in-situ data archives are fundamental for our current understanding of the Earth{\textquoteright}s climate system. Such data are an important pre-requisite for Earth System research and should be easy to access and easy to use. In addition such data should be quality assessed and attached with information about uncertainties and long-term stability. If these data sets are stored in a self-explanatory, easy-to-use format, their usefulness and scientific value increase. This is the guideline for the Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC) at the Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN), University of Hamburg. ICDC offers a reliable, quick and easy data access along with expert support for users and data providers. The ICDC provides several types of worldwide accessible in situ and satellite Earth observation data of the atmosphere, ocean, land surface, and cryosphere via the web portal http://icdc.zmaw.de. Recently, data from socio-economic sciences have been integrated into ICDC{\textquoteright}s data base to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration. On ICDC{\textquoteright}s web portal, each data set has its own page. It contains the data access points, a short data description, information about spatiotemporal coverage and resolution, data quality, important reference documents and contacts, and about how to cite the data set. The data are converted into netCDF or ASCII format. Consistency and quality checks are carried out – often in the framework of international collaborations. Literature studies are conducted to learn about potential limitations or preferred application areas of the data offered. The data sets can be accessed through the web page via FTP, HTTP or OPeNDAP. Using the Live Access Server, users can visualize data as maps, along transects and profiles, zoom into key regions, and create time series. In both fields, visualization and data access, ICDC tries to provide fast response times and high reliability.",
author = "Stefan Kern and Viktor Gouretski and Annika Jahnke-Bornemann and Remon Sadikni and Felix Ament and Detlef Stammer",
year = "2015",
language = "English",
note = "10. deutsche Klimatagung, DKT ; Conference date: 21-09-2015 Through 23-09-2015",
url = "https://henry.baw.de/handle/20.500.11970/104420",
title = "The Integrated Climate Data Center at the Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN), University of Hamburg",
author = "Stefan Kern and Viktor Gouretski and Annika Jahnke-Bornemann and Remon Sadikni and Felix Ament and Detlef Stammer",
year = "2015",
doi = "10.13140/RG.2.2.23400.06407",
language = "English",
type = "Other",