SatSim (Satellite Simulator; Part of COSP)
Simulated device: ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project)
Contact: (within HC(CP)²) Holger Tost tosth @
Output parameter
2D: fraction of sunlit area of the grid box; total cloud fraction; total cloud optical thickness (column); mean cloud top pressure; frequency of occurrence of clouds;
3D: cloud optical thickness (boxwise); cloud emissivity; cloud fraction (boxwise); fraction covered by ISCCP cloud types 1 - 49
Technical specification
Column or 3D? | column |
Operation on model time step? | yes |
Required libraries | MESSy framework |
Programming language | Fortran95 |
If online, is it modular? | online and modular |
Ground-based or space-borne? | space-borne |
Minimum set of physical quantities:
Need for a special grid?
Are parameters given via namelist or have to be coded?
- via namelist
Are there special requirements to the input quantities?
- no
Models for application: EMAC
Suitable for MESSy?: part of MESSy
Format of input data: ASCII
Format of output data: netCDF
Computational costs: