1 |
aae |
Aerosol Angström exponent |
2 |
agc |
LI-7500 Window pollution |
3 |
aot |
Aerosol optical thickness |
4 |
apec |
Aerosol particle extinction coefficient |
5 |
azi |
Sensor azimuth angle |
6 |
aziv |
Sensor azimuth angle velocity |
7 |
beta |
Attenuated backscatter coefficient |
8 |
betaraw |
Normalized range corrected signal (LiDAR) |
9 |
betaraw |
Range corrected backscatter signal |
10 |
buoy |
Buoyancy |
11 |
cape |
12 |
cin |
13 |
ciwvi |
Path of integrated ice water |
14 |
cli |
Cloud ice content (height resolved) |
15 |
cllw |
Cloud liquid water content (height resolved) |
16 |
clm |
Cloud mask |
17 |
clt |
Cloud fraction (total) |
18 |
clw |
Cloud water content (height resolved) |
19 |
clwvi |
Path of integrated cloud liquid water |
20 |
co2ec |
Mass density of carbon dioxide for eddy covariance |
21 |
co2fs |
Turbulent vertical flow of carbon dioxide |
22 |
conccn |
Aerosol number concentration |
23 |
cth |
Cloud thickness (liquid clouds) |
24 |
dbz |
Radar reflectivity factor |
25 |
dnc |
Drop number concentration |
26 |
dnccli |
Ice crystal number concentration |
27 |
dpt |
Dew point temperature |
28 |
drlw |
Drizzle liquid water (height resolved) |
29 |
dv |
Doppler velocity |
30 |
edr |
vortex dissipation rate |
31 |
ele |
Sensor elevation angle |
32 |
elev |
Sensor elevation angle velocity |
33 |
freq_sb |
Frequency band of sensor |
34 |
hail |
amount of hail |
35 |
Height or zag |
Height |
36 |
hfls |
Turbulent vertical flow of latent heat, Alias: Latent heat flux |
37 |
hfsoil |
Soil heat flux (downward) |
38 |
hfss |
Sensible heat flux |
39 |
hua |
Absolute humidity |
40 |
huaec |
Water vapor mass density for eddy covariance |
41 |
humr |
Humidity mixing ratio |
42 |
hur |
Relative humidity |
43 |
hus |
Specific humidity |
44 |
intensity |
Backscatter intensity |
45 |
iwc |
Frozen phase water content (height resolved) |
46 |
kdp |
Radar specific differential phase |
47 |
lat |
Latitude |
48 |
ldr |
Radar linear depolarization ratio |
49 |
lon |
Longitude |
50 |
lv |
Integral turbulence length scale |
51 |
lwc |
Liquid water content (height resolved; cloud + rain) |
52 |
mfs |
Momentum flux |
53 |
msoil |
volumetric soil moisture |
54 |
ndvi |
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index |
55 |
nqf |
Nyquist frequency |
56 |
nqv |
Nyquist velocity |
57 |
otc |
Cloud optical thickness |
58 |
otcli |
Cloud optical thickness due to ice water |
59 |
otcli |
Cloud optical thickness due to ice water |
60 |
otclw |
Cloud optical thickness due to liquid water |
61 |
pa |
Pressure |
62 |
pbc |
Particle backscatter coefficient |
63 |
pcb |
Cloud base pressure |
64 |
pct |
Cloud top pressure |
65 |
pdr |
Particle depolarization ratio |
66 |
pec |
Particle extinction coefficient |
67 |
phidp |
Radar integrated differential phase |
68 |
pia |
Path integrated attenuation |
69 |
plr |
Particle LiDAR ratio |
70 |
prcon |
Convective precipitation |
71 |
precip |
Precipitation |
72 |
prw |
Path of integrated water vapor |
73 |
range |
Range |
74 |
reffcli |
Effective radius of cloud ice particles |
75 |
reffclw |
Effective radius of cloud liquid water particles |
76 |
rhohv |
Radar co-polar correlation function |
77 |
rlds |
LW broadband downwelling radiation (surface) |
78 |
rlus |
LW broadband upwelling radiation (surface) |
79 |
rnets |
Surface net radiation |
80 |
rr |
Rain rate |
81 |
rsd |
Solar radiation flux (atmosphere) |
82 |
rsds |
SW broadband downwelling radiation (surface) |
83 |
rsk |
Radar spectral skewness |
84 |
rssr |
Reflected solar spectral radiance |
85 |
rsus |
SW broadband upwelling radiation (surface) |
86 |
rtd |
Total downwelling radiation |
87 |
rtu |
Total upwelling radiation |
88 |
rv |
Radial velocity or fall velocity |
89 |
rwl |
Wavelength of radiation |
90 |
sle |
Surface longwave emissivity |
91 |
sst |
Sea surface temperature |
92 |
stat |
Station number |
93 |
surfalb |
Surface albedo |
94 |
sw |
Radar spectral width |
95 |
ta |
Temperature |
96 |
tb |
Brightness temperature |
97 |
tcb |
Cloud base temperature |
98 |
tct |
Cloud top temperature |
99 |
time |
Time |
100 |
tke |
Turbulent kinetic energy |
101 |
ts |
Surface temperature |
102 |
tsoil |
Soil temperature |
103 |
tsonic |
Sonic Sound Temperature USAT |
104 |
tt |
Standard deviation of sound temperature USAT |
105 |
u |
Wind speed, West-East component |
106 |
ustar |
Shear stress rate |
107 |
ut |
Covariance of the West-East component of wind speed and temperature |
108 |
uu |
Standard deviation of the west-east component of wind speed |
109 |
uv |
Covariance of West-East component and South-North component of wind speed |
110 |
uw |
Covariance of the West-East component and the vertical component of the wind speed |
111 |
v |
Wind speed, South-North component |
112 |
vdr |
Volume depolarization ratio |
113 |
vec |
Volume extinction coefficient |
114 |
vhw |
Covariance of horizontal and vertical wind speed |
115 |
vis |
Visibility |
116 |
vt |
Covariance of the South-North component of wind speed and temperature |
117 |
vv |
Standard deviation of the south-north component of wind speed |
118 |
vw |
Covariance of the South-North component and the vertical component of wind speed |
119 |
w |
Wind speed, vertical component |
120 |
wdir |
Wind direction |
121 |
wspeed |
Wind speed |
122 |
wspeedmax |
Wind speed maximum (gust) |
123 |
wspeedstd |
Standard deviation of wind speed |
124 |
wt |
Covariance of the vertical component of wind speed and temperature |
125 |
wvfs |
Turbulent vertical moisture flow |
126 |
wvp |
Water vapor pressure |
127 |
ww |
Standard deviation of the vertical component of wind speed |
128 |
zal |
Aerosol layer heights |
129 |
zcb |
Cloud base altitude |
130 |
zdr |
Radar differential reflectivity |
131 |
zenith |
Zenith angle of beam direction |
132 |
zg |
Geopotential height |
133 |
zgct |
Cloud top altitude (geometric height above geoid) |
134 |
zmla |
Atmospheric boundary layer height |
135 |
zmlaa |
Atmospheric boundary layer height derived from aerosol profile |
136 |
zmlaw |
Atmospheric boundary layer height derived from wind profile |
137 |
zsl |
Altitude above mean sea level |
138 |
zth |
Cloud top height (distance above surface) |